Adeptus Podcastus – A Warhammer 40,000 Podcast – Episode 179

In this episode, Remleiz and Tactica Imperialis take the time to answer some long overdue fan questions, discuss the new Tyranid model reveals and more!

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Tactica Imperialis

Intro by Maverick Andre

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31 thoughts on “Adeptus Podcastus – A Warhammer 40,000 Podcast – Episode 179”

  1. Question: With the return of Warhammer Fantasy, which previously non-playable faction (ie Araby, Lumbria, Khuresh, etc.) would you like to see explored, and which of them do you want to see represented in AoS?

  2. Chipping in on the audiobook conversation I found it very interesting, as I am someone who loves them. They're my primary source of entertainment on my work commute, any bus rides or similar, but I also love using them as background audio when painting and video gaming. I can boot up something like Civilization or Dawn of War, pop on an audiobook and enjoy both for hours easily without losing anything from either experience I find. Different strokes for everyone

  3. If they did want to do something with Sanguinius in the modern era I'd see them not reviving him but freeing his spirit from The Vengeful Spirit and have it merge with Dante to make him into basically the counterpart to Mephiston, since Mephiston is supposed to be the Black Rage incarnate, and make Dante into basically the Blood Angels version of Janus

  4. F in the chat indeed! I fell for the Ynnari with all my heart, – so GW not paying Gav to write the 3rd novel is a big part of why I've fallen out with 40k this year.
    The Old World releases soon, right? Right?! xD

  5. Well, the Tau coming up with an imitation of something would be on-brand for the aesthetic. But I'm with you on imitation space marines: NO!
    I remember it being hinted at SOMEWHERE that…the Orks, I think, might make their own, but I have no idea how that would work. Please no.

  6. Question: Wouldnโ€™t the Krork getting out of Tryzins vault be more interesting/lore changing than Clonegrim? It would also give Ork players a new Lord of War to throw in their armies while giving Ghaz a good run for his teef on who is the biggest Git!

  7. I'm not sure if you pick topics from comments or not, but I think I have something worthy of an analysis from someone who's delved deep into the role.
    How far does Warp actually reach? I always wondered if the influence of Chaos and Warp itself is limited to the Milky Way only, or it stretches across the whole material universe.
    However, if it's the latter, why haven't there been any attempts for intergalactic travel, aside from the Tyranids? Why do the Chaos gods seeminly only ever acknowledge a single galaxy, while they would be able to draw power and followers from other galaxies as well if the whole universe was linked to the Warp as the Milky Way is? Are they bound to only the reality of one particular galaxy, does every galaxy have its own little Realm of Souls/Warp that are somehow independent on each other?
    And if it is limited only to the Milky Way, why?
    Shouldn't a dimension that completely ignores principles of time and space be able to encompass everything and anything those able to somehow manipulate choose it to?

    The theory that Tyranids chose our galaxy as their next buffet because of the Astronomican's light would imply that other galaxies and their species aren't foreign to the immaterium and psychic powers. If so, why was Chaos created and only affected by events in the ancient Milky Way, while it's safe to assume that our galaxy isn't the oldest but among the younger ones. If the Warp was stretched across the whole universe, existing as its immaterial counterpart, wouldn't the Realm of Souls also extend for those outside the Milky way, or be already reformed into a dark mess that is the Warp long before life even started in the Milky Way? The thought that only our galaxy was such a shitty place that it fucked up the Warp for the whole universe is rather hilarious one.

  8. Question : (this episode reminded me to ask it๐Ÿ˜‚) If the Alpharius novel is to be believed, what do you think the effect of Alpharius being around for the conception of his legion were on his marines, since other legions were incomplete without their primarchs/ made from leftover gene material ?

  9. Question for Tact: Do you think that it's possible that any Stormcast Eternal could be able to use magic/magiclike abilities, I ask because the Stormcasts seem to be a human Soul reforged with Celestial magic, and further the Overall Leader of the Hammer's of Sigmar Bastian Carthalos can just summon lightning bolts to strike enemies with a thought, and he's not categorized as a mage.

  10. Wolfen Russ would be dope. They even found his armor, so he could be a giant werewolf.
    That would be a genuinely interesting plotpoint. Like how would Imperium react when one of the returning loyal Primarchs is essentially a mutant.

  11. On the topic of ebooks, I enjoy physical copies the absolute most, however with my job being in 12 hour shifts, audiobooks really allow me to listen to what I would otherwise miss. Nothing will ever beat an actual in hand book!

  12. Questions for the next Q&A episode:

    Hypothetically, if GW brought out the clone of Fulgrim as a loyalist Primarch for the Imperium, which of the Loyalist Primarchs do you think Chaos should get a corrupted version of?

    Additionally, which of the other factions do you think one of the Primarchs would side with (obv excluding the Imperium and Chaos) and which Primarch?

    I recently found out that some of the Grey Knights become Nulls to watch over the tombs where their dead are interred. Are there any other examples of individuals becoming Nulls or Psykers?

    What happens when a Psychic Null enters the Warp physically, such as through a warp gate or the Great Rift?

  13. Question. On the back of the fulgrim clone plot. What if the neurons released him to help and he's eaten by the nids and that causes them to create a tryanid prime…. New model ๐Ÿ™‚ saves killing gulliaman or the lion?


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