North Queensland Cowboys v Canberra Raiders | NRL Round 1 | Full Match Replay


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11 thoughts on “North Queensland Cowboys v Canberra Raiders | NRL Round 1 | Full Match Replay”

  1. I’ll say it again
    Ricky Stuart is not a 1st grade Tactician Coach
    He only won the premiership because Gus prepared the Roosters so well
    I could’ve Coach the Roosters to Win that year in 2002.
    You watch when the Raiders should win matches but somehow lose
    because RS did not make replacements or change the game plan when things look like
    they are failing in some key areas.
    RS might be the first coach to go this year as he always has a excuse for losing.
    Sookie Sookie Green Machine

  2. Hi all, I'm an American who's just discovering what a great game the NRL is. If someone wouldn't mind I have a question: I understand about kicking the ball away (not sure about terms) on the 5th run, but why do players sometimes kick on the 4th run?

  3. Voss is the most annoying commentator ever heard. He just never shuts up and his voice is so loud and extremely irritating the way he thinks he's so intelligent and like he's played first grade rugby league for 10 years when the fact is he's never played a game in his life. Wish they'd get rid of him he can't be the best there is to offer far from it.


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