95: The Vulcan Hello / Battle at the Binary Stars – Star Trek Discovery Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2

Matt and Sean talk about setting out on a new path for Star Trek in a world of streaming television. Is Star Trek Discovery’s new take a good thing?

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00:00 – Intro
02:46 – Viewer Feedback
07:29 – Today’s Episode
16:35 – This Time in History
20:54 – Episode Discussion


21 thoughts on “95: The Vulcan Hello / Battle at the Binary Stars – Star Trek Discovery Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2”

  1. Shiny lights, lense flares, action, explosions, mutiny for the sake of violence and callbacks to better series. Everything we want from Star Trek, right?

    How in the hell did Burnham make it to first officer?

  2. When I first saw this in 2017 I was simply relieved to have Star Trek back in a TV format for the first time since 2005. The re-design of the Klingons didn't bother me, nor did the more advanced tech aboard the Federation ships. Truthfully I have a hard time re-watching Discovery because I don't like it that much, and that's a first for me and Star Trek. I can watch TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT over an over again. Maybe it's my age — hitting 60 soon.

    (Doesn't "The Cage" come before this chronologically? I was hoping you'd review it first.)

  3. Sorry Matt gonna have to take the opposite position on the Klingons. When I first watched discovery I saw it as a "reimagining" rather than trying to fit into the existing timeline. With that in mind I liked the new look and sound of klingons in discovery. It made them feel more alien
    The speech patterns I guess did seem a bit slow but I kinda liked how they emphasized the pronunciation a bit more. In contrast, the people speaking klingon in older movies or tv shows felt like actors reading a foreign language with their own bias of how to pronounce the language rather than how a native speaker would.

  4. I completely agree with everything Matt said. I think that they hired a fantastic lighting designer, special effects team, sound engineers, and set designers, then told them to go hog wild with no regards to the shows place in the Star universe. Enterprise fixed the inconsistencies with the Klingons look, and they just pooped all over it. One thing that you didn't mention was the downright obnoxious sound levels. I constantly had to adjust my volume Because went from whispering dialog to explosive battle scene. This problem continues to get worse as series progresses! It is a good show, but frustrating as well. –

  5. Honestly, I was hoping that Archer had brought the Defiant from the Terran Empire back to the Prime Universe, it would have explained the massive jump in tech and ship power between the NX Series and Discovery and Constitution Class.

    Matt is right about the look of the ship. My analogy is that basically, The US created an F-15 right during WWI but decided to never use it again, even during WWII. That ship is seriously out of place.

  6. This show and especially the pilot is a lot better when i pretend the antagonists are a race other than Klingons and they're at some point after the 24th century. Everything makes more sense.

  7. 9:00 after Wikipedia gave us the Enterprise registry of NX 01 for 98 episodes, I feel lost because Wiki didn't give the registry of either the Discovery or Shenzhou

  8. I was very excited to be getting more trek and so I really enjoyed the updated visuals and ships but felt like the plot was very thin and I am not the biggest fan of the remake of Klingons and Burnham’s logic for me was shaky at best. All that said, I still watched and was giddy for getting trek again. I loved Yeoh as Georgiou and wanted a series of her and the shenziou.

    Happy that you guys are here now and I’m finally caught up!

  9. It's definitely pretty, going to take some time to get used to the new look of Klingons and the new ship designs. I did enjoy it, looking forward to following you guys through it

  10. Loving that you guys are doing this! Rewatching with you guys. I hated the Klingons here, just horrible. They should have made this show after take place decades or a century after TNG, then it would have worked. This is my wife’s least favourite Trek btw, she stopped watching halfway through S1. I kinda force myself to watch it because bad Trek is better than no Trek.

    Its almost as if the writers did not know what to do with Burnham. Her character swings wildly from logic to emotional mess. The Burnham on way missions is great, the Burnham on the bridge is a mess.

  11. I agree with many others who are really glad to watch and analyze Discovery with you guys. I was so confused during the first watch, glad to have Star Trek again but couldn’t understand what happened to my Trek? As a second generation Trekkie I couldn’t figure it out. Thank you for leading us through the series, we appreciate your insight.

  12. I'm a huge fan of Discovery it's definitely my favorite show of the modern era. It's possibly my second all-time favorite after DS9.

    As for the design of Klingons… Here on earth we have a diverse population with different cultures and ethnicities. So why should the Klingon race be any different? It's also been a full century since we last saw the Klingons a lot can happen in a hundred years. Just look how far humanity has come in the last century! Last time we saw the Klingons they were dealing with the augment virus which infected millions. We will see in The original series how this virus is still effecting them. The fallout from a virus like thst could potentially be massive. We the audience are coming in a full century later and seeing a small glimpse of the fallout. Here in Discovery they introduce the fact that the great Klingon houses and the Klingon Empire are scattered and divided. That virus probably caused massive internal conflict within the Klingon Empire. Its also entirely possible the virus had effects we previously haven't seen. Sure in many Klingons it makes them look more human. What if on others it had the opposite effect? Making their Klingon features even more pronounced. Whos to say some Klingons houses haven't been experimenting on themselves? Perhaps this new look is a result of experiments to counteract the virus? If you put hair on Discovery Klingons they don't look THAT much different from the iconic Klingon design. Just more pronounced which i think can be attributed to the virus and or ethnic traits we haven't seen before. Also I believe the creators of Discovery really wanted the Klingons to feel alien ans unfamiliar to us. Since this story is beginning of a story arc spanning TOS the Films, TNG and onwards. We've already seen the road to peace and cooperation. We haven't seen the conflict prior to that though. For this story to work they probably felt they needed to make the Klingons a scary unknown to us again. Much like they are to the crew of USS Shenzhou

    Edit: i just got to the point where you posit similar ideas to mine! I definitely don't think Discoverys Klingons break canon. I also don't think it's anywhere near as big of a deal as people make out.

  13. 🚨Reid Alert Baby‼️
    I think that once you run the two (02) seasons of Discovery you should follow Strange New Worlds. I would like to have you guys glancing into the present since most of this series is usually about looking to what was, hopefully you guys can paint the future. It be nice to catch up us to ourselves. 🖖🏽

  14. I also can't stand the look of the new aliens.(I would say klingons but c'mon) Nearly unrecognizable except for the attitude. I have seen the first 2 seasons but couldn't get into direction s3 went. Hopefully with yall holding my hand through the episodes I can enjoy it.

  15. I adore Star Trek Discovery love every season and am sad this upcoming one will be the season finale but its better to end on a high note opposed to continue with subpar writing.

  16. I didn't like the new Klingons at all. The argument that it could be another subspecies, or another effect of the virus, would not explain why all of them look like this.

    Burnham’s mutiny was indeed unusual and disconcerting for Star Trek. However: With Seven in the 3rd season of Picard, everyone thought it was kind of okay. Because she is a popular character herself and is also helping Picard and Riker with it? Because it wasn't the first time?

    Anyway – I don't want to take up the cudgels for Burnham here, because I find the character arrogant and dislikeable, and I wonder how she managed, being mentally volatile, to become an officer.


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