9 Years of Shadows | "Virtual Voyagers"

9 Years of Shadows is an interesting arcade and action game created by Halberd Studios as a “single player” computer game. The style of the environment can be attributed to retro, with such features as: platforming, exploration, metroidvania in 2d, pixel art, fantasy and others. You have to explore an abandoned orphanage with missing orphans, full of mysticism, dark secrets and rid the world of the curse. If you are a fan of fantasy and mysticism, we suggest you download 9 Years of Shadows on your PC via torrent in Russian.


32 thoughts on “9 Years of Shadows | "Virtual Voyagers"”

  1. This sounds awesome. I'm so glad that it's really come so far and is just so brilliant. Hopefully those game breaking bugs can be ironed out and there can be an option to add some more save points added sometime. But this is sounding incredible and I think I will have to pick this up some time down the line. Thanks for the review.

  2. I played this game on next fest last year and while it had some issues it really impressed me and I have been looking forward to the release tomorrow so was glad to see this review and especially the lamp so if it's not too pricey I will get it at launch. Shame about the save system, I hate games doing that. It actually makes boss encounters worse because it discourages experimentation and encouraged using the most boring but predictable strategies because of the exhaustive trek back.

  3. Thanks for the review! Quick question, I really like your reviews and games you cover but was wondering, why do you not give scores for your reviews? I think that would be very useful info since it could give us what your conclusion is considering the pros and cons in games.

  4. This is probably going to be a must-play for me and it seems like the game was worth the wait. Though I do suspect Apino is a pervert. I think that bear can heal the protagonist without hugging her, but he lies about it just because he wants to maximize physical contact with her. That's why he refuses to heal her unless it is a lengthy hug, probably an uncomfortably lengthy one for her as well.

  5. Ordinarily, I'm a bit turned off by the idea of having only a singular main weapon throughout the duration of an entire game (especially one that utilizes such expansive design as this would seem to). However, in his game's case I'm enthralled with the idea of hacking and jabbing my way through the literal armies of monsters that'll be thrown my way with a halberd. I feel like halberds are really cool weapons that don't get enough time in the spotlight in any game with weapon based combat, so to have one that flips the script on that is refreshingly welcome. I think I'll give this one a try down the road. I'd be more inclined to jump on it immediately, but I am in the middle of so many games right now (both new and old) that adding another to my expansive repertoire would likely be an unwise move, in terms of time management.

  6. Your last critique makes this an automatic hard pass for me. No saves outside boss rooms is something that Hollow Knight did and is also one of the reasons I dropped that game. What does the player learn by having to retread long sections before bosses? Games like these don't respect player time. I'll wait until this game gets a few patches and if they change their save point system I'll pick it up.

  7. Ι know that M&B is you main theme but i d love to see this game more often. It reminds me of battle brothers which is my fav turn base game. !!!!


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