9 Times Loyalist Primarchs WON Battles over Traitor Primarchs in Warhammer 40K

The Loyalist primarchs were the sons of the emperor that did not fall into temptation and become corrupted by the ruinous powers …


9 thoughts on “9 Times Loyalist Primarchs WON Battles over Traitor Primarchs in Warhammer 40K”

  1. The lion gets far too much credit as a general, G-man doesn’t get nearly enough credit as a warrior.
    Don’t believe me? Here’s the evidence.
    TLDR – lion would’ve helped the imperium more if he killed himself…
    Gman saved the imperium multiple times.

    The lion cost 3 million space marine (Only 2000 could take earth)and cost hundreds of systems to die, three primemarks got taken out of the fight and 1 killed, all while hiding facts from Gman and the loyal brothers he didn’t like, thenbbb told all the states secrets to the arch traitor.
    If he wasn’t around, the drop site massacre would’ve never happened. Instead the traitors would’ve been crushed immediately.

    Gman replenished all of the space marine ranks the lion got killed, upgraded all of the new space marines, created new weapons and armor, made multi race alliances and pushed back chaos (and 3 Primarks,) the Tyranids, saved the Bloodangels, and took back 500 systems…

    The Lion thinking he was smarter than everyone got betrayed three times. He literally told the traitor general his secret plan.
    It cost 3 million space marines and billions of guardsman. But because no one was able to stop the traitors now, they butchered hundreds of worlds, and no one was left to stop them.

    G-man, has taken more damage than any other Primark x10, stopped or bought enough time for victory against Mortarion, Lorgar, Angron and Fulgrim trading himself for others and he keeps coming back, better, smarter and stronger for it. He is basically a perpetual now.

    After being in a coma for 10 millennium and not knowing what’s going on, who is good, and who is bad, he wakes up surrounded by hundreds of demons including champions and famous heretics, rapidly analyzes the situation, creates a tactical solution, and kills every enemy in the temple (100ish)
    So quickly, the Eldar Allie’s that we’re both war masters, and the best of their race, Belisarius who has seen combat for 10,000 years, Saint Celestine, 5 of the greatest ultra marine fighters and Cypher of the dark angels did not even have time to process that it could not possibly be him until he slaughtered half the room and they looked back and he was gone off the throne.

    I’m slow when I wake up in the mornings let alone a 10,000 year coma.
    These were the toughest people in the universe on the imperial side. Definitely the most experienced in war and they all said they have never seen anything like it… most of them had fought with Primark’s before. Cawl and Celestine have had many memories of fighting with Primarks… both of them were dumbfounded at his speed, his perfect technique and tactical brilliance.
    People get G-man wrong. They think his power is diplomacy and logistics… that’s not even close.
    His actual superpower is a super brain…. But not a super human brain. He’s super Primark Brain.
    The Primark’s are already 100 X human intelligence.
    If there was a planet of Primarks, G-man would be the smartest who ever lived.
    Perfect recall, unlimited multitasking and more importantly the ability to not just do 10 things at once, but 10 things better than another Primark can do a singular task…
    G-man is ai supercomputer who can correct it’s own code, make it self better and always learns from his mistakes… because he has a perfect Primark, body and nervous system (as do they all) he appears much faster because he has already played out multiple scenarios.

    The only way you can beat G-man is if you completely overwhelm him, and he simply cannot overcome it…. But in every single situation, if there is a one in 1 million chance and you give him just a little bit of time or a few chances to learn the scenario, he turns the one in 1 million to almost a certainty.

  2. Coming in fresh to the 40 K universe, and not being indoctrinated by the community and actually reading the lore myself and not looking at the cool marketing… I cannot believe how the community Wets themselves over the lion.

    He’s a paranoid egomaniac who never can be wrong, thinks he’s smarter than he is, and always sees his elite, and competentbrothers as rivals and only loves and is kind to his meathead brothers he sees as clearly less than him.
    He does not take advice, he’s pompous and arrogant….. all of these things I would not care about if he was as elite of a general S people try to say. The problem is they are such character defects it totally blinds him and makes him almost solely responsible for the Horus heresy succeeding.

    I hear he’s the greatest general ever … yet his own men betrayed him, he caused the biggest massacre in the lore by telling is meathead, traitor bro all of his secret plans, while lying to Gman and Sanguine and Russ because he wanted the credit for winning the war…
    I’m supposed to be super impressed he was the head of a few hundred knights on a backwater planet, while think he’s he’s a bettter general then G-man who became in charge of 5,000,000,000+ troops let them in battle and took control of 500+ systems by the time he was 20.

    OK so he’s supposed to be this amazing swordsman and the Emperor’s favorite son….
    But everywhere you read the lore about how great of a swordsman he has. It’s either from his dark angels, or from him telling the story. And from an egomaniac or your biggest fan boys… obviously you’re going to be the greatest.

    When he beat Conrad Kurze it’s not because he figured him out, it’s because curse was all alone in the second and third battle or his forces were highly thinned out, and the lion got tons of backup.

    When it was level, playing field’s kurze handled him easily.

    Next Lehman Russ fought him to draw, which is impressive, then there was a break in the action, Lehman Russ realized he didn’t want to hurt him and smiled at him, and the lion took that tiny opening to beat him… someone that was not really his enemy just a competitor…. That’s who the lion is.

    Lastly, he was the emperor’s favorite in the Emperor thought he was the best swordsman and he was trained on a death planet, since he was Young by knights. is what a lot of people use….

    G-man, was trained by the best and most advanced military outside of Earth. I mean come on Ultramar is Rome. His father was a great general…. He had the very best military minds of thousands of planets, tutoring him on hand to hand combat since he was two years old. G-man spent eight hours a day training until he was 15 and then actually led armies into battle.

    So, who is going to have better training a person on a death world where you’re struggling to survive and just thinking about eating your next meal, using your sword to kill beasts, or putting all your focus and energy into learning how to fight other humans who have swords as well?

    Lastly, if the emperor believed so much in him, and he’s a renowned swordsman. Why did the emperor give Gman his sword? He could’ve given G-man, his claw or his shield or his armor… the emperor also knew the lion was still alive and was communicating with him. He only would’ve had to wait a few years.
    The emperors, flaming sword is the most iconic weapon in 40 K and the symbol of imperial might and leadership. It’s also imbued with crazy warp magic 🪄.

    So it’s pretty clear who the emperor chose to be the head general.

    Honestly, the young lion sounds more like Brendan Schaub than Alexander the Great.

    I’m liking the old lion though. His character flaws seem to have been solved over 10,000 years of failure and him, realizing he caused a ton of this. Now he is who he should’ve been the silent lead from the front type of guy that does not let his emotions or his ego control him.

    But his ego and pride and blame, deflecting and inability to be wrong was so strong and after he caused 3 million space marines to die, brought the imperium to its knees and was betrayed two more times, including his own planet revolting against him, it still took 10,000 years before he admitted he was wrong.

    Better late than never… but I can’t stand when people act like G-man, and the lion are on the same level…
    Just look at accomplishments and not marketing and a bunch of fanboys saying “he’s the first one”.
    Primark’s were technological experiments…. How many technologies are perfect on their first run? Altavista over Google? The Ford model T over a F150?

    I much rather be the 13th generation of some thing technological than the very first. How many times have you bought a smart phone and a month later one comes out that’s much better?

    The lion destroyed the imperium at its peak as we knew it, when he instead could’ve shared with sanguineous and Gman and massacred the massacre.
    He slaughtered every alien he could and never formed any strategic alliances. He did and distrusted G-man, Russ, Dorn, Ferris, and loved, and completely trusted Peter turbo, fulgrim, Horus and treated his human soldiers like expendable pawns. He was too proud for help so his forces got decimated often.

    G-man saved the imperium multiple times. Replenished it with space marines that the lion lost. Upgraded all the space marines upgraded all their weaponry. Got the mechanicus to start innovating again, beat three of his brothers in their demon forms, beat the tau the and most importantly tyrannids and Necron.
    Ate three kill shots from Primark’s and didn’t die.
    More importantly, he created strategic alliances with many races, and was so honorable got the Eldar who think we are useless to guard him with their lives… even respect him.


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