9 Quick Tips to Stop a Toddler Meltdown in its Tracks

If you have a child with big emotions and has intense meltdowns, this video is going to change the way you look at a tantrum (or meltdown) forever! Big displays of emotion from your child can evoke emotions of embarrassment, powerlessness, frustration, anger and more. Understanding why our kids have them, and what they are trying to tell us, is the first step in helping you to stop them peacefully; and even avoid them altogether!

If you want to learn the easy way to dramatically reduce toddler tantrums, we need to understand that our kids don’t have cognitive ability to help them regulate their emotions so they need our help.

In this video, I’m showing you how to stop tantrums forever and the secrets to calm your child’s temper. I’m showing you nine quick and easy to use tricks to help you stop your child’s meltdown, without signing them up for a class in anger management! 😉

For my handout on “Managing Meltdowns” please go to the Parent Toolbox to download this essential parenting resource to help you face the next toddler meltdown (or teen meltdown 😲) with confidence and swagger! 😎 www.parent-toolbox.com

READY FOR YOUR FAMILY TUNE-UP CALL? If you’re a working mom that is feeling burnt out and has struggled to get the cooperation, respect and obedience you want from your kids, I’ve been there too. It might be time to learn new tools (that you’ve never been taught) to help you get your kids to listen to you, build teamwork, and grow your relationship for life. click the link below to schedule a time to see if we’re a fit to work together inside of my Parenting for Connection Program. https://parentingforconnection.as.me/?appointmentType=4626221


Parenting tips for Strong Willed Kids: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTEQEXoiEMYgm6mW_eHQ0chzbi3b7yxu4

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Listen to my Podcast, PARENTING OUR FUTURE here: https://www.parentingforconnection.com/parentingourfuture
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ParentingforConnection

#robbinmcmanne #parentingforconnection #toddlertantrums


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