9 New Minutes of Useless Terraria Information – Part 12

9 New Minutes of Useless Terraria Information – Part 12 upload streak is over see! look! same minute counter as part 2!


34 thoughts on “9 New Minutes of Useless Terraria Information – Part 12”

  1. Sorry about Fact 49 – I said that it'd be sad if you used the wrong ore, but the other ores were introduced in 1.2. I was referring to how it is still crafted in old-gen console (1.2, has the new ores), but I kinda omitted that from the script. Oopsie!

  2. I'm not sure how rare this was, but on my previous terraria playthrough, the first paladin I killed, which I found on accident while wandering through the dungeon to collect ectoplasm, dropped both the paladin's shield and hammer

    That was also the first paladin I killed in that playthrough, and this was on classic difficulty

  3. 5:53 I am acutely aware of this.
    When I defeated the WoF on mobile a little while ago, the message didn't appear for about a minute.
    I then saved and exited the game but when I returned the world wasn't in hardmode.
    I then had to defeat it again (:
    (Bear in mind this was on expert and mobile controls are ass)


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