83rd anniversary of Great Britain and France joining in the war | J. Darasz | World Today | TVPWorld

83rd anniversary of Great Britain and France joining in the war.

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15 thoughts on “83rd anniversary of Great Britain and France joining in the war | J. Darasz | World Today | TVPWorld”

  1. Don't worry about the past. Europe has a madman who wants to put the past into the present rebuild the old Soviet Union starting with Ukraine. NOW TODAY the entire free world is watching to see if Europe remembers history and does more to help Ukraine you can not fight a war on promises.

  2. Molotov-Ribbentrob pact in August 1939 meant French Communists were taking orders from Moscow. Hence De Gaulle's exile to London after Pétain's redition in June 1941.
    Without the German-Soviet alliance, the Finnish-Soviet war would not have occured, leading to German Blitz through northern Europe, through Belgium into France rather than from the East, after its attack on Poland – a Poland divided between the Third Reich and the USSR.

  3. It's also the 83rd anniversary of Ireland completely NOT joining the war. They choose to hide behind other countries in the hopes that they will be defended by them. That's why they spend less than 1/2 a single percent of their national budget on defense. Joining NATO would require them to pay their fair share.


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