800,000 Year-Old Queens Tomb Found In Egypt?

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Channel Narration By: Don Moffit

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12 thoughts on “800,000 Year-Old Queens Tomb Found In Egypt?”

  1. That's what they want us to believe that a Democratic society is one that spreads wealth and land evenly amongst its people when that is not true at all it is a few people get rich and everybody else is poor and has to do work for the very few wealthy that's what a Democratic society really is

  2. Anno Lucis (“in the Year of Light”) is a dating system used in Masonic ceremonial or commemorative proceedings, which is equivalent to the Gregorian year plus 4000. It is similar to Anno Mundi.

    For example, a date Anno Domini (AD) 2023 becomes Anno Lucis (AL) 6023.[1] This calendar era, which would designate 4001 BC as 'year zero', was adopted in the 18th century as a simplification of the Anno Mundi era dating system used in the Hebrew calendar and borrowing from other ideas of that time regarding the year of creation.

    After the Masoretic text was published, dating creation around 4000 BC became common, and it was received with wide support.[2] Proposed calculations of the date of creation, using the Masoretic from the 10th century to the 18th century, were numerous and fluctuated by many decades.[3] Notably, Isaac Newton's calculation pointed at the year 4000 BC.[3]

    Among the Masoretic creation estimates or calculations for the date of creation, Archbishop Ussher's specific chronology dating the creation to 4004 BC became the most accepted and popular in Protestant Christendom, mainly because this specific date was attached to the King James Bible.[4] The Hebrew Calendar has traditionally, since the 4th century AD by Hillel II, dated the creation to 3761 BC,[5][6] in accordance with the Seder Olam Rabbah compiled by Jose ben Halafta in AD 160, and in agreement with The Remaining Signs of Past Centuries, in which the Muslim chronologist al-Biruni identifies anno mundi as 3448 years before the Seleucid era, but not with Seder Olam Zutta, which dates it to 4339 BC and was compiled in AD 804.[7]

  3. There is the tale that the world has been resetted at least 5 times…what if the giza pyramids have been re-used, maintained…reconstructed by civilisations over time which are the reason for misleading dating results..such a theory will explain the anomalies like the usage of power tools and such..and the lack of finding them..

  4. What is the valley of the kings was pre-flood and when the Kataklysm occurred burying much of the tombs, but not all, then the Egyptian people when moving into the area, finding some of these terms started to build their own terms in the same area for the spiritual connection. These people wanted to have with these people who had. Built this amazing place. When excavating many of these terms are new discoveries that are much deeper and covered with sediment a lot of them covered and it one time were filled with water. Is this a coincidence I think not.

  5. Lemi tell the admin and those of you deeply involved with forbidden data and real something very important. The truth is none of the ancient megalithic sites and monuments have anything to do with kings and queens back in time while resided by their constructors who werent man and from earth really but humans are hypnotyzed and deceived and they hardy can deal with alien existence. Egypt sites and monuments were occupied by those of the galactic alliance or federation who after the flood and reptilian escape to earth, came to earth to fight and terminate them who apparently they did fail and the earth is still in claws of the reptiles who have created their own system and labor forces for their own survival. Human products are the result of the reptiles DNA mixture with pre-flood pre-moon avatr-like civilizations on the lowest quality and ability and really suppressed because the avatar-like people were really telepathic with a 100% brain functionality and over 3 meter. That's it. No one is even aware of this and best case scenario the truth seekers assume the new age bullshit masonic deception and lie the anunnakism is the source of humans…They have no idea what's the real story…


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