8 Things that Make Zero Sense to a True Intelligent INFJ

8 Things that Make Zero Sense to a True Intelligent INFJ. Delving into the world of an intelligent INFJ, this exploration unveils eight aspects that defy comprehension for individuals of this personality type. From the disdain for shallow small talk to an intolerance for inefficiency, these perplexing elements make zero sense to the intricate and perceptive mind of a true INFJ. Join the journey to unravel the mysteries that baffle the intelligent INFJ, shedding light on the unique perspectives and priorities that set them apart in navigating the complexities of the world around them.

Within the complex web of social interactions, the perplexity of certain elements mirrors the intelligent INFJ’s steadfast dedication to authenticity, unwavering values, and genuine connections.The stories shared illustrate the unique challenges faced by intelligent INFJs, reinforcing the idea that embracing authenticity remains paramount, even in the face of societal expectations and the complexities of human connection.

What Does It Mean To Be INFJ?

The INFJ personality type, commonly known as The Advocate or Counselor, is one of sixteen in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). INFJs account for about 1-3 percent of the population. If you get an INFJ personality type, it suggests you’re introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. Dominant: Introverted Intuition is your primary cognitive function. Extroverted Feeling: Auxiliary Introverted Thinking (tertiary). Extroverted Sensing is inferior. The MBTI test was designed to help people understand their own communication styles and how they connect with others. Knowing your MBTI type can help you better understand your mental processes and behavior, as well as adjust your interpersonal approach to various situations and people.

00:00 INTRO
00:37 08 Shallow Small Talk
01:48 07 Lack of Authenticity
03:07 06 Inefficiency Tolerance
04:29 05 Superficial Relationships
05:53 04 Ignoring Emotional Cues
07:24 03 Overlooking Nuances
08:59 02 Inconsistent Values
10:29 01 Conformity Pressures

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Audio Tracks Used:

Sea of Memory – Aakash Gandhi
Youtube Audio Library

#infj #sigma #infjpersonality #infjtherarestpersonality #infjpersonalitytype

**DISCLAIMER** ON TRACK is not a personality or psychology advisor and anything that we present on this YouTube channel should not be seen as a personality or psychology advice. We are presenting our own experiences, research, and opinions for everyone to be aware and to know how to become better as a person.


8 thoughts on “8 Things that Make Zero Sense to a True Intelligent INFJ”

  1. What Does It Mean To Be INFJ?

    The INFJ personality type, commonly known as The Advocate or Counselor, is one of sixteen in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). INFJs account for about 1-3 percent of the population. If you get an INFJ personality type, it suggests you're introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. Dominant: Introverted Intuition is your primary cognitive function. Extroverted Feeling: Auxiliary Introverted Thinking (tertiary). Extroverted Sensing is inferior. The MBTI test was designed to help people understand their own communication styles and how they connect with others. Knowing your MBTI type can help you better understand your mental processes and behavior, as well as adjust your interpersonal approach to various situations and people.

    00:00 INTRO

    00:37 08 Shallow Small Talk

    01:48 07 Lack of Authenticity

    03:07 06 Inefficiency Tolerance

    04:29 05 Superficial Relationships

    05:53 04 Ignoring Emotional Cues

    07:24 03 Overlooking Nuances

    08:59 02 Inconsistent Values

    10:29 01 Conformity Pressures

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  2. Before I finish watching this video, I am going to guess if the host will discuss time wasters and those who constantly repeat themselves ( constant second guessers of themselves).

  3. Shallow small talk
    Lack of authenticity
    Inefficiency tolerance
    Superficial relationships
    Ignoring emotional cues
    Overlooking nuances
    Inconsistent values
    Conformity pressures

    For me EVIL people make zero sense, all I can think of is a low level of intelligence.

  4. This narration is really hard to connect with, I want to go through this perspective,but the voice is driving me crazy. If we know and understand that the INFJ likes genuine human connection,then, please let's relay it in a genuine human voice.


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