8 More Axis Stories

We’ve seen your activity under the previous compilation, so here are some more Axis stories from our earlier videos. Watch them during the premiere and afterwards on the Discord.

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00:00:00 Is Yarnhub HD??? – Intro
00:00:14 3 Aces vs Marseille
00:09:57 Star of Africa
00:20:25 German Shermans
00:29:55 Bismarck
00:41:13 Untouchable Ace
00:51:41 Hiroo Onoda
00:58:59 When a Thai Fighter Shot Down a US Plane
01:18:43 Life of a Kamikaze
#ww2 #axis #history
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36 thoughts on “8 More Axis Stories”

  1. How dare people insult someone else's art…
    It's charming and perfectly likable, ffs..!!

    Furthermore, I doubt they can or will ever create anything as creative in their entire lives. Some asshats are a waste of blood fcs..!!

    Keep up the good work, they're brilliant and rare…those uncommon stories that deserve remembering..!!

    I did stay till the end btw…and man I'm glad I did because I have never heard of that weapon before…were those jets in the back..!?

  2. How dare people insult someone else's art…
    It's charming and perfectly likable, ffs..!!

    Furthermore, I doubt they can or will ever create anything as creative in their entire lives. Some asshats are a waste of blood fcs..!!

    Keep up the good work, they're brilliant and rare…those uncommon stories that deserve remembering..!!

    I did stay till the end btw…and man I'm glad I did because I have never heard of that weapon before…were those jets in the back..!?

  3. Fun fact, the real Stuka bombing procedure was to fly past your target, turn upside down, and pull up to then emerge rightside up and pointed at your target, pretty cool

  4. I'm sorry if i keep repeating this, but i would really like an animation about the 132nd armoured division "Ariete" last stand in the second battle of El Alamein, Egypt. I think it would be a great story to read and an example of how fierce italian soldiers actually were during ww2!

    Anyway amazing stories as always, keep going! ❤️

  5. It is worth saying Marseille absolutely HATED the idea of killing another pilot even one who was attempting to kill him. He was known for being extremely accurate and intentionally aiming to incapacitate the aircraft.

  6. They got to be the greatest generation so far. So many amazing stories from brave men and women from both sides. Today, a lot of people are beicoming snowflakes and are becoming too soft in general


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