8 Horror Movie Robots That Scared Us Out Of Our Minds

Looking at the creepiest robots in cinema.

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50 thoughts on “8 Horror Movie Robots That Scared Us Out Of Our Minds”

  1. Hector, Saturn 3 was a twisted piece of metal. Programmed by a psychotic scientist, he stalks and tries to kill the crew on the outpost. He even rips the throat and jaw out of the psychos body and installs it to himself so that he can talk.
    Sid 6.7, Virtuosity was an amalgamation of numerous serial killers programmed into an AI for police training in VR but he escapes into a robot body and starts imitating all the serial killers that he is made of.
    That's 2 I have watched. Good films

  2. Thank you for the suggestions, fellow commenters!

    And no, as someone already pointed out, Cadie's parents in 'M3gan' die after crashing into a snow machine due to zero visibility caused by a heavy blizzard. I really liked the movie and his take on how irresponsible can millennials be (not her parents, but her nerdy, workaholic aunt).

  3. Ava, from Ex Machina. deserves a spot on this list. She plays up the innocent curiosity while the entire time her plan was to get rid of the humans so she could make her escape.

  4. This has to be the laziest list you guys have done in a long time. You start with a list of eight instead of the standard top ten format and then you can't even come up with eight actual robots for the list. Come on now – this is just slacking.

  5. Megan was a garbage movie. The pre-lightning S.A.I.N.T. prototypes were more unnerving than that doll ever was. The writing just made it come across too much like a bratty 13 year old.

  6. In all honesty the Cybermen from doctor who is the scariest, I know doctor who isn't a horror but hear me out. A human ripped apart and put inside a metal casing having their emotions removed. Add that to the millions of them, you got yourself some truly horrific stuff.

  7. The researchers really need to watch Saturn 3, and also comprehend the impact that Yul Brynner in Westworld had.
    Upgrade was an interesting film but I would never call the AI agenda scary.

  8. My favorite part about M3GAN is you can sum up the first half of the movie as an allegory for horrible dog owners. Like I feel like I'm the only one who noticed this, the first half of the movie spends WAYYYYYYY too much time establishing her neighbor is an asshole and her dog is an asshole so they're going to asshole it up together at some point. In one scene the neighbor thinks her dog is ripping out the throat of a human child, not even 10 minutes later into the movie she's telling the cops to "Talk to that weird freaky looking kid". I cannot stress enough that she thought her dog was killing a human child and she was as nonchalant as possible about it and then goes on to blame the kid for her dog attacking it.

    Like the director/writer went out of there way to make this lady be your typical shitty breed owner who doesn't take responsibility and if you completely removed her from the movie nothing would change. For anyone curious M3GAN is totally a PG-13 horror and your typical made for teens killer doll movie.

  9. Before M3GAN, which is still my favorite movie so far by the way, I saw Demon Seed on tv as a kid. Well, a few parts of it. Then, I saw The Terminator and Ailen on tv also. Plus, have y'all seen Deadly Friend when Sam/BB killed three people before sacrificing herself and kills Paul at the end? I mean, it was crazy to see it for the first time when TCM aired it last October.

  10. Demon Seed reminds me a lot of a 2000AD story called "I love you, Sheldon"….where a man's AI controlled house falls in love with him and kills his girlfriend and won't let him leave, and keeps caring for him even after he's died from old age.

  11. The amygdala doesn't promote bonding, it detects threats and promotes fear. The Proteus should be having Susan's brain release oxytocin instead. I don't know why I'm telling you this and not the Demon Seed writers.

  12. Does anyone remember the 80s sci-fi horror movie Runaway staring the one the only Tom Selleck a man who's mustache could be more well known than he is !! Lol 😂 but those damn spider bots scared the heck out of me , I was only 5 years old but still ! Actually the year it came out I was 1 so it's possible I was even younger than 5 when I saw it lol. Even though I was young I already had a love for horror because I watched nightmare on Elm Street the tv series when I was 6 ( of course I had to be sneaky about it since u was not allowed to watch such content lol SORRY MOM 😅

  13. The T-1000 is also pretty terrifying, since it can perfectly mimic human beings in actions and social interactions. At the turn of a dime, it can transform from a mild-mannered police officer into a literal killing machine. Plus, whereas the T-800 would easily stand out, the T-1000 looks like any other person in it's base form, so it can easily blend into a crowd, and you wouldn't know.


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