75 Zombies for 75 Subscribers! – DeadPoly

Survivors, adrenaline junkies, and fellow zombie enthusiasts, gather ’round! If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to face the undead head-on, you’re in the right place. I’m your trusty guide through the post-apocalyptic wasteland, and my weapon of choice? A double-barreled shotgun? Nah. A katana? Close, but no cigar. It’s my camera, folks! Ever wanted to know the perfect angle for decapitating a zombie? Or how to maintain your hair while battling the undead? I’ve got you covered. From headshots to hairstyling, we cover it all. Picture this: moonlight, abandoned mall, and a horde of zombies closing in. Will I survive? Will I find the last Twinkie? Subscribe to find out! Blood, sweat, and pixelated tears. Witness the making of our zombie-killing masterpieces. Spoiler alert: The blood is mostly ketchup. Zombies may be slow, but our content is faster than a caffeine-fueled sprinter. Subscribe, sharpen your machete, and let’s dance with the undead!

Disclaimer: No actual zombies were harmed during the making of this description. Ketchup stains, however, are forever.

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1 thought on “75 Zombies for 75 Subscribers! – DeadPoly”

  1. Love the video. Congrats on the milestone and the great loot haul. I think there is 2 pumpkins on Delta map that sell Halloween stuff. (One by the gun vendor and one I think in the little city)


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