7 DISTURBING Middle Eastern Demon Encounters and Other Demonic Stories

Today’s episode is all about some very demonic entities you do NOT want to encounter! Enjoy these 7 DISTURBING Middle Eastern Demon Encounters and Other Demonic Stories.

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SCARY STORY TIMESTAMPS (Ads may throw off the time)
0:00 INTRO
0:50 Unexplained Creatures in the Middle East from Anonymous
20:55 Demonic Creature Encounter from Shaffer9rx
26:42 Watchers in the Park from UpNorthGoon
32:33 Something Killed my Dogs from Gray
37:51 Bad Ouija Board Experience from Jack
41:09 I Still Don’t Believe It from Anonymous
46:35 My Experience Owning a Demonic Doll from Anonymous

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39 thoughts on “7 DISTURBING Middle Eastern Demon Encounters and Other Demonic Stories”

  1. The story with Palivon? fighting the creature till morning reminded me of something… The story in the Bible of Jacob fighting "God" till day break. Very similar. I don't think it was God that Jacob or Palivon were fighting…

  2. okay so this is really weird, but I've heard almost that exact same sheep story told as a folk tale before, but from someone from literally the other side of the world from Iran, and about a different creature entirely. The story I heard was from Peru I think? Unless it was from Bolivia and I'm mixing it up) About a creature from Quechua folklore called the Ñaqa (I think that's how it's spelled? I'm not totally sure), which is supposed to be a spirit kind of like a Banshee in Irish folklore, in that it appears to people as a harbinger of death. The Ñaqa, though, takes the form of an animal (usually a black one iirc) that can speak like a human, but you will only die if you respond to it when it talks to you.

    In this story, a Quechua peasant farmer was walking from the market in the nearby town to his farm in the hills one evening, frustrated because he didn't have enough money to buy anything from the market, when he came upon a black sheep just wandering around a small valley unattended, not marked as if belonging to anyone, and realized how valuable a new animal of this quality could be to him and his family, so he hoists the sheep over his shoulder (just as in the story above) and starts carrying it home.

    After he gets a ways away, he suddenly finds the sheep's face is right up near his own, and then suddenly out of nowhere, it says to him "I like your nose". Shocked, the peasant responds "umm, thanks?" before suddenly realizing with intense horror what is happening and what he just did; he just spoke to the Ñaqa! He immediately dropped the sheep and ran home in terror, but already knew his fate deep down. Predictably, he became mortally ill within the week and died several days later.

    I don't know why, but as ridiculous as this story is, it always creeped me out. Strange to hear a story from so far away that is so similar.

  3. Hahha I'd be safe from the first one! I'm afraid of the dark, mylar balloons, my clothes being too tight and suffocating me, and seafood. 😂😂 I'm 40 and I have a freakin lavalamp for a night light. It's pink and purple 💜😂😂

  4. While living in a small town in northern Saudi Arabia and living among local folks I came to know the superstitions of the local people. Stories abound with a strong belief in djinns and witches mixed in with their Sunni Muslim beliefs. Really fascinating stuff in an ancient and beautiful land…

  5. I kinda wanna meet one and ask for help overcoming my CPTSD. I'd be like, "yeah, I'm afraid, but, at the same time I have an offer. You assist me overcoming my fears which I trust you could find a way to manifest, and in return, you can feast upon that fear as I grow." Hopefully a friendship would be born, and I would bring them back to the US and tell them to invite others.

  6. I was raised in the Zagros area of Kurdistan. The Palavan stories are told to kids as bedtime stories 😅 no wonder these stories bring me comfort even with the severe ptsd they also caused lol

  7. What would the winged zombie-like creatures in the horror movie JeruZalem be classified as? They are supposed to be the dead returning to uh…undead life, but with wings? 😳

  8. The longer intro was fascinating, I don't mind you sharing information like this. If people don't like to learn new things, that's on them in the end, not you. The stories are as good as ever, mind you, and keep up the good work!

  9. Your voice has been soothing our dog since we first brought her home! She would calm down and sleep when she heard your voice…we rescued her off the street from a heroin addict who couldn't care for her (the lady was trying to take care of her but was homeless and very messed up, poor thing. No judgement here, just the way it was).
    She is older now, but still loves to curl up with me late at night and listen to you! Thanks!!


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