69 – OAK ISLAND – It's ALL Connected !

The title says it all…..
It is ALL connected 🙂 !

My friend Dot to Dot chanel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChhJUZCfsxp-2PpQhopo1yw

Youtube channel of Didier Coilhac : https://www.youtube.com/@didiercoilhac-larevelation2698

Facebook page of Didier Coilhac : https://www.facebook.com/didier.coilhac

Site of Jean-Pierre Garcia :http://www.rennes-le-chateau-archive.com
Site of Simon Miles : https://www.youtube.com/@SimonMilesresearch
Jean-Pierre Garcia YT Chanel : https://www.youtube.com/@Luyggii


4 thoughts on “69 – OAK ISLAND – It's ALL Connected !”

  1. Bonjour Olivier, infos complémentaires à tout hasard ! Au sud de l’etang du puits, à proximité de l’écluse du canal de la Sauldre, se trouve la chapelle St Jacques (édifiée en 1933) suite à la mort par noyade d’un prêtre et de 13 enfants en 1932. La chapelle est rattachée à la paroisse de notre Dame de la Sauldre à Argent sur Sauldre 18. Jérôme

  2. I have too many questions. How did they line this up from Europe to Oak Island? It seems impossible. Did they have GPS? lol I also wonder why the top chevron on the shield is chopped off. Is it possible that the blue parallel lines are a calendar, marking every 100 years?

  3. WOW, Awesome work and thank you.
    I too have been fascinated by Oak Island since reading the article in readers digest – while waiting in the dentist office – as a child.
    Also, I am an amateur genealogist and direct descendant of Hugh De Payne, co-founder Knights Templar.
    Well done!

  4. "Castles built from 950 to 1250", that's an interesting range of years. Here are some events in history that nearly bracket the dates that you gave for the beginning and end of the construction of the castles.

    About 955 to 965 the book Sefer ha-Kuzari was written in Spain. This book introduced the Khazar Empire, which once reigned over vast territories including the Volga River. A few decades later, the empire's capital city, Atil, faced a devastating attack in 969, leaving it desolate. "Not a leaf on a branch" was left remaining. It's possible that the entire population was displaced towards the west. Even the name of the Khazar Sea was lost to history, eventually being renamed to what we now know as the Caspian Sea.

    At the late end of the castle construction is the Siege of Acre in 1291. The Knights Templar and other Crusaders were forced out of the Holy Land while some died defending the retreat of the citizens from the port city Acre. Amidst this turmoil, Switzerland emerged as a nation on August 1st of that same year 1291, under the name Confoederatio Helvetica. Intriguingly, there is evidence to suggest that the Knights Templar played a role in its founding, as seen by the Templar Cross embedded within Switzerland's oldest priories and churches.



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