6-year-old shoots teacher at elementary school in Virginia | LiveNOW from FOX

Virginia police have taken a 6-year-old student in custody after a staff member was injured in a shooting at Richneck Elementary School in Newport News, according to Police Chief Steve Drew.

In a press conference, police said the shooting was not accidental and that the teacher’s injuries were life-threatening. No students were injured during the incident.

It is unclear how the student got a gun, according to police.

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31 thoughts on “6-year-old shoots teacher at elementary school in Virginia | LiveNOW from FOX”

  1. What concerns me as to what happened between he an the teacher to make him angry enough to kill some one. This is serious no one is concerned so this will not happen again

  2. Obviously not responsible parent's if a child of 6 years old can take a gun and know how to use and take a gun from their home and not be noticed, Is this the age they start teaching their children to use a gun in America. Glad I live in the UK 🇬🇧 and we don't have guns all over the place and everyone walks round carring them and if you upset someone they just pull their gun out and kill you. 🇬🇧 is a much better safer place to live its not our culture and we don't have a fun loving gun loby people that have more power than our government thank God. Thankful this would never happen in the UK 🇬🇧 and our children can go to school without being shot and killed. Poor parents over there send their children to school hoping and praying that they will come home again. Must be terrifing to be a parent such a massive price to pay for being able to bare arms when guns come first in American lives second. Hope the teacher will be OK but mentally she want be. As for the children such a traumatic thing to witness at such a young age hope the children get all the help and support that they are going to need and parents as well so they can help their innocent children digest and cope with what they saw and hope this does not mentally scare them in life and screw their lives up after this event. Didn't they have security at the school like all the older schools have in America. If not after this they need it or metal detectors,bag searches body search. Like all the school shootings where it a normal day to day thing no one can say this will happen again as it is certain to.

  3. Iam so glad everyone is alright. God bless the teacher for making sure her students was safe.we do need to realize this is a 6 year old child.I pray that this little child gets the help he need as well as the other students. I will keep the whole community in my prayers. God help us all.

  4. To be honest there's no way a 6yr old kid/child literally knows how to just pick up a gun with bullets in it or putting bullets in it then perfectly putting the weapon in his or her lunch/bag pack to school an also aiming positively at the target an injuring that person as if that child/kid is visiting RANGE everyday instead of school, something isn't adding up💯but 🙏🙏🙏goes out to the teacher an that child!!!

  5. I play the violent video games. That being said, I am not condoning this action at all. First off, you should not be giving your child everything piece of technology under the sun before they've reached double digits. Second, you definitely do not need to be buying those types of games due to how impressionable kids are at that point.

  6. 🗡️🤴🏾🛡️ VIRGINIA IS A WELL KNOW RACIST STATE!Everyone should be asking what did she do to him – (the baby)? The child that they are trying to portray as an adult. This child took the gun from a place that his mother secured properly.He went pass all school security that is set in place. He did not vent his anger on any other child that he was surrounded by, and went straight to this so-called loving teacher. The so-called police is trying to portray her as the hero and this child as the villain. This is total Bull-Shiggidy 🤬I GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT,!!!🗡️🤴🏾🛡️

  7. The fact that this child could have access to a gun is unbelievable, let alone knowing how to use it. And the absolute worst part of this is how a child could construct a plan to shoot his teacher and to actually go through with it.
    How, just how is this even possible????

  8. Y'all fools are busy worrying about the child's family environment…they need to investigate that teacher, that teacher been abusing that child to the point that he had enough and planned to kill this lady… That child is a victim and he stood up and protected himself

  9. Do we know if the kid was a black? The principal of the school is, just wondering if this is a predominantly black school. Those things are just known for crime.

  10. Our country has protected parents far too long in the allowing and raising of dysfunctional children who sadly grow up to be dysfunctional adults doomed to repeat the same dysfunctional lifestyles….generally speaking. I think our prisons are full of adults who were raised by horribly dysfunctional parents and those parents got away with it and sadly those children were never taught proper coping skills and never got therapy for their dysfunctional upbringing.
    I pray this child is placed in a better home bc obviously the parents are doing a s#*t job.
    It's amazing how parents will proudly take credit when their kids do good but play the victim when their kids do bad. 🙄

  11. When dysfunctional people breed and have a child that child already has strikes against him so it's a true miracle that these children grow up to be healthy productive members of society yet there are many many children that aren't so lucky, who don't learn how to cope with their emotions or learn any healthy coping skills and learn only thru what they see and sadly they see violence and toxic behavior as " normal" and never get the help they need bc they can't afford it so IF they do make it 18 they are then deemed legal adults yet sadly are very lost, and now dysfunctional too given their upbringing and that parent who silently abused that child has gotten away with it and now breathes a sigh of relief bc they have no more responsibility in rearing a dysfunctional adult that the parent had a hand in and then the cycle continues. This is a classic America Tale of Tragedy that needs to end.
    This IS the problem and just bc some people do grow up in a dysfunctional family and turn out ok…far many do not. So when are we going to start treating parenting far more seriously, holding parents more accountable and requiring training and education in the raising of a human being?????

  12. No one is mentioning the race of this kid. That is because he is black. If it was a white kid we would already have photos leaked out of the kid and his parents. Black perpetrator white victim that is a combination the media does not want to talk about.


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