6-Cylinder Crankshaft Broken into 2 Pieces inside Engine Mechanic Rebuilt to Original

#6CylinderCrankshaftBrokeninto2pieces #insideengine mechanic rebuilt to original

#amazing #amazingrestoration #factory #factores #crankshaft #mechanical


16 thoughts on “6-Cylinder Crankshaft Broken into 2 Pieces inside Engine Mechanic Rebuilt to Original”

  1. well, it's completely crazy. Here, normal shafts break, and these are sharpened, sawed, boiled. Full note in compliance with the technological process.🧐🤦 Ножовка убила на подвал.🤣🤣🤣 Something else is dying out. Just think, one part of the engine will work normally, and the other with late or early ignition. This video should be shown to the technologists of the Toyota plant. 👆 Here's how to work.

  2. Конечно я не специалист по диванным коленвалам, но в начале коренной подвергается сварке. Сварен в результате шатунный, где-то нас обманули.

  3. интересно, не нарушена ли технология сборки к/вала? хотя бы суперклеем намазали 2 половинки, или там на капроновый чулок и на горячую насадили….))) а по факту, будет ходить какое то небольшое время точно

  4. Not always pretty, they do seem to make it work. I wonder if it's because they don't destroy the old until absolutely necessary. Then the scrap is sold to parts makers who melt it down and use it again. I'm no sure but it sound like there is a lesson to be learned here. Thanks for sharing.


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