5 The Legend of Zelda Theories | 100k Subscriber Special [Part 1]

Ganondorf has a HUGE nose!

Notable Music Credits:
Queen Rutela’s theme
By: Simon Bats

00:00 Intro
02:28 The Ghost Ship
09:07 The Barbarian Armor
11:40 The Hero’s Shield
18:12 The Gerudo Massacre
22:04 Link’s Journey
25:32 Outro

Special Thanks to:
Jackson Campbell
Brig Colby
Many Boy

#zelda #thelegendofzelda #zeldalore #zeldatheory


44 thoughts on “5 The Legend of Zelda Theories | 100k Subscriber Special [Part 1]”

  1. Thanks again everyone! You are awesome!

    Quick correction: The Shield of Antiquity is NOT the same as the Hero's Shield. It did indeed belong to the Hero of Winds, but he obtained it in Phantom Hourglass (Wooden Shield). I guess Link threw his gran's shield in the garbage after getting the Mirror Shield?

  2. About link’s journey, I always assumed they changed the timeline to debunk the theories that link actually dies at the end of links awakening. Although I don’t have anything to back it up it’s just an assumption.

  3. Man that is good I like the hero of winds being connected to the hero of man but to be honest with you I'm kind of tired of yo you're like this because of bloodline.
    It's like discrediting that individual based off their own merits because they were born into it I mean think about it the praise of the one that actually stood up and did it first and then the guy that said that's just in line for their turn it's sad I don't like it

  4. I always thought the WW shield was supposed to be a bad bootleg reproduction based on like, word of mouth descriptions of the actual OoT shield, "Yeah it has a big scary bird on it, and… and… THE TRIFORCE!!"

  5. My theory is that Zelda is the bad guy. Every time a Zelda is born, the Kingdom of Hyrule suffers. We have yet to get a game where there's a Zelda AND peace in Hyrule. It's nice to be able to blame the outcasts in the desert who worship a Goddess of the Sands (even though when we visit as Link in OoT and TP we find out their Goddess of the Sands is really the Goddess Din just relabeled for their cultural practices) and label them as thieves, and the red eyed Sheikah even had their own bloody war between usurpers and royal family supporters. Whose to say that the royal family, more specifically King Rhoam and Princess Zelda, aren't to blame for playing politics and manipulating everyone into being their subjects? (And yes i do know Zelda 2's story is more about Zelda's brother being jealous of Zelda's power and puts her to sleep and breaking the piece of Triforce so no one can wake her. Hardly anyone counts that story anyways and i wish we would just get actual remakes of Zelda 1 and 2 because they desperately need it.)

  6. My personal theory is that the Hero of Time grown up to be the Hero of Twilight, with the Shade being his father, who was a knight. It was mainly since the Ganondorf of TP was the same of OoT, Zelda knew Link, and it may have been at the same time of the adult part of OoT changed due to the Gerudo war and the execution of Ganondorf

  7. theory, xenoblade chronicles 2 is a prequal to windwaker, (spoilers BTW) at the end of XBC2 the titans merge together with a large island under the cloud sea and theres a large ocean….. wait… nevermind, the more i thought about it the more it fell apart…

  8. Hey monster maze! Was recently playing botw and realized that the Sand boots have what looks like a zoni swirl on them, could be a random coincidence but I wonder if there may be some connection

  9. Actually, thinking about it, in a way WW Link and OOT Link could still technically be related as far-fetched as it sounds. It wouldn’t be impossible for MC Link to have two kids of his own where one led to the lineage of OOT Link, the other WW Link. And not every blood descendant will be blessed by Farore like Link’s Uncle in LttP and so on.

    My way of thinking is very shaky at best and should be taken with a grain of salt and really shouldn’t be taken too seriously. WW Link is, as far as we know, canonically not blood related to OOT Link but bringing up of MC Link makes for some other possibilities. Just my take is all.

  10. i also wonder if they were planning a new Hero of legend Game that takes place between lttp and Links Awakening when they made the switch in the timeline, and maybe decided to put all their efforts into BotW saga rather than that new game

  11. I love your video they are so entertaining! Question can you make a video like this:a day in the life of a moblin or something like that would be soo entertaining plz make something like that anyways great videos!

  12. My theorie about botw is that the huge stump in water by the decayed guardian in the central region is the great deku tree from oot bc it has ivy on top and scattered around it and in the game you had to get rid of a spider and poison ivy like boss and the tree was covered in poison ivy and then the deku tree dies but then when the guardians come alive a guardian skywatchers propellers and beam probably cuts the tree down with maybe guardian scout 3s with gurdians with level 3 guard axes chop the tree down and then chops it up and then monsters invade it.What does anyone else think about my theorie?p.s. plz put my theorie in a video plz I'm only 10 with ADHD.

  13. This was my theory (I've had this idea for at least a decade; I'm not sure if it'll be in part 2 or 3 of this list):

    Since the Gerudo are all female, with the exception of one male born every 100 years, that means all of the Gerudo are related to each other (sisters, aunts, nieces, cousins, mothers, grandmothers) That means they have to get impregnated by someone within Hyrule. I feel… the Prince of Hyrule was the father of Ganondorf (he was in disguise, but that member of the Gerudo discovered his identity).

    However, a few years after Ganondorf was born, the King died, so the Prince became the new King. He soon got married, and had his daughter Zelda. During that time, Ganondorf found out who his father was. This is why, in ALL of the Zelda games, he's never outright killed the Princess — she's a blood relative. It's also why he's sought out Hyrule Castle — it's his, by birthright, since he's the firstborn child of the King. It would explain why he acted the way he did in "Ocarina Of Time" — he wanted the throne, and to possibly unite the Gerudo and the Hylian warriors as one massive group. The King refused, and Ganondorf was deeply insulted, thus… the plot of the game.

  14. Honestly I'm a huge fan of a specific theory that actually helps assert BotW into the timeline. Unfortunately, the theory goes against something that Nintendo themselves have said: Whether or not Hyrule Warriors is canon.

    Nintendo has stated that Hyrule Warriors is just simply a non-canon spin off, but not only is there a way to fit HW into the timeline, it helps the timeline out. In BotW, we see many nods to multiple timelines: The friendly Zora from the child timeline being a primary example for that TL, But there is also the Rito and Koroks from the adult TL, along with sea salt being found in places not near the sea. Of course, this could just be chalked up to BotW being a clean start for the timeline, but HW just makes too much sense when taking these things into consideration. The entire plot of HW is about different periods of time from all across the TL being mashed together into one.

    My guess is that the TL that HW takes place in before the time-convergence is the Fallen Hero TL, with the best reasoning behind this being that in the Child and Adult timelines, Ganondorf if completely dead, not coming back, but HW shows that Ganondorf's soul is indeed still alive, as well as no gerudo are seen whatsoever in HW, so it fits with the theory that the Gerudo were massacred in the FH TL.

    The Time-convergence would have brought the elements from the other timelines into this one, in the form of the friendly Zora and Gerudo from the OoT era, and the Rito and Koroks from the WW era, thus explaining why all of these are featured in BotW.

    Hyrule Warriors stitches the broken timeline back together, and Breath of the Wild takes place in this new, repaired (but also kind of more broken than before) timeline.

  15. I have a theory about the origin of the Fierce Deity's mask, who the Fierce Deity is, and his role in the story.

    Similar to Ganon being a reincarnation of Demise, and Zelda being Hylias, I think Link is the reincarnation of the Fierce Deity. The Fierce Deity selects who will be the next hero, and most often picks someone with a blood relation with a previous hero. He only does it when there is a need when no one else can do anything to repel the evil that currently is a threat. (I can not explain why he didn't do anything between Ocarina of Time and the Wind Waker, or why he did in Tri Force Heroes at all)

    The Fierce Deity only shows his true self if it's really necessary, which is the reason Link can only put the Fierce Deity mask on during boss fights. The first time he took over Link's body was when one previous hero had to face the Sorcerer Majora, and near the end of the fight Zelda came with her harp and played the "song of healing". Majora's magic and the Fierce Deity's power faded and got turned into masks. The first Happy Mask Salesman then took the masks on with his merry way and started a cult…

    The Fierce Deity has no relation with the Master Sword since he uses the Fierce Deity Sword. It was Hylia who created that sword, but with the intention that the human form of the Fierce Deity would be the one to wield it.

    If you don't think this theory makes sense, please let me know.

  16. Normally we only really hear about Link, Zelda, and Ganon (and their various incarnations) over the series. We dont really get to know what happens to unworthy bearers of the triforce. We can however make some assumptions. For example, the triforce of wisdom was shattered in zelda 1, and we have to go piece it back together. Every piece is guarded by a boss monster. What if those monster were the unworthy users of those pieces, transformed by a power they were unworthy of using? Or another example, The Dark World in Link To The Past. It turns everyone there into monsters. While I realize this was basically a wish made on the triforce by Ganon, the transformation into mosters could have been the ill effects of not only proximity to the triforce, but to the complete triforce. Inadvertent exposure, if you were.

  17. Wow what a nice surprise to be featured here! I had to do a double take when I read my name in the video, especially since I'd mostly forgotten that I made that comment in the members section all those months back. When finished playing ALTTP for the first time just over a year ago I went through the manual to see how they told the story then vs now. Reading that section mentioning Gannon's destruction of his followers just lined everything up really well with how there's no Gerudo in the fallen timeline, yet I'd never heard it brought up prior. Like you said it may be dated to the point where we'll eventually see some future content contradict that (welcome to being a Zelda fan lol) but all the same its just an interesting idea. Thank you for the mention!

  18. You should really consider to stop referring to timelines on videos, just skyward sword should be recognized as "the first incarnations". and OOT with Majora's as offical sequel, that's it. The timeline is a forced and failed invention, that got dropped with BOTW.

  19. The mystery of the Gerudo can be added to… the Gerudo were NOT ALL loyal to Ganondorf.

    There was a not insignificant amount loyal to Nabooru. This explains a little of what could have happened to them as a whole. Arbiter's Ground may have been run by the Gerudo that opposed Ganondorf which meant they would have been the first casualties of the Twilight Invasion.

    It also explain s why Ganondorf would have fought with them in the downfall timeline.

    Though, my general theory is that just because it isn't in the game doesn't mean it isn't there. The games (except BotW) don't represent 1:1 scale versions of Hyrule and its cities. I mean, look at Skyloft. Does Skyloft represent a reasonable sized civilization? Do the amount of people, heck even the amount of Knights make any sense?

    No. The game can't represent what Skyloft would actually be if it were fully sized. It represents the important parts downsized to be fun.

    The reason why Gerudo might not appear in TP or WW, is just that Link doesn't travel to the locations where they are in that game. If it were a fantasy novel series, we'd probably see that TP only visits the southern portion of the desert. And we know the desert is huge. Bigger than even BotW could show us.

  20. maybe the ghost ship was ganondorfs original vessel before taking over the forsaken fortress

    I don't have anything about about the barbarian armour other than being prehistoric tribe that is probably related to Ganon in some fashion

    I think the heroes shield is a hero we have not met yet, but then again I never played the minish cap

    with the gerudo I feel like I'm some timeline's they are either exterminated or exiled

    …. makes sense to me

  21. Hey man, not about the theories, but I just wanted to say (not that it means much)

    Congrats! I've been here since the start, and you've truly grown!

    Here's to many more years of this channel!

  22. Not my theory. A theory from a guy named Ethan Hunt explaining why they changed Oracle of Seasons/Ages timeline event in the Hyrule Encyclopedia from being before Link's Awakening, to AFTER link's awakening. They were saying it needed to be changed because Zelda didn't act like she knew Link at all. They thought it was a different Link. But this guy thinks it's the same link but DIFFERENT Zelda which explains why the triforce still called out to him and also why link sailed off on a boat at the end looking similar to his last boat from Link's awakening and his same style of transportation on seas. Here's his theory:

    I just had an idea. What if it's the same Link, but not the same Zelda. Think about it. If the encyclopedia is correct, then Link went off to sea sometime after the events of A Link to the Past. He wrecked on Koholint Island, but if the island was a dream, then who knows how long Link was actually there. He could have been there for hundreds of years, or at least a generation or two, but to him, it didn't feel like that long. For the sake of my theory, I'm going to say about 400 years. Then, when he returned, the Triforce summoned him, and he was sent off to Holodrum and Labrynna. In Oracle of Ages, the time jump is about 400 years, so what if one of the reasons that Veran went back that far was to kill Link as a child, or at least before he went off to sea. This time jump on Koholint Island would explain how Link is the same, and how Zelda doesn't recognize him.

    And here's my favorite part. What if this was the Triforce's doing? What if the Triforce had prompted him to go out to sea? What if the Triforce created a storm that brought him to Koholint Island, because there were people there who needed to be saved from the Nightmares, and because it knew that he would be stuck there for 400 years. What if the Triforce kept Link on Koholint Island for 400 years, because it needed him for the impending return of Ganon. That means that the final battle against Ganon at the end of the linked Oracle games is a showdown 400 years in the making.

    I actually really love this theory, because it explains the problems with the Princess Zelda and the timeline stated in the article, but also because I think it ties the stories together really well in a somewhat sad, but epic way.

    Link to source: https://www.zeldadungeon.net/reconsidering-the-oracle-games-within-the-zelda-timeline/

  23. I have only ever created one of my own fan theories but I love the theory. In the breath of the wild cut scene Zelda says “ wether Skyward bound, adrift in Time or lost in the embers of twilight” I always thought it was a cool reference to the old games but in breath of the wild two’s trailer we see link skyward bound and adrift in time. What if in the second game we see the return of the twilight or even better we see link lost in the embers of Twilight where he hast to find his way out and maybe he even gets help from a descendent of midna.

  24. I really like the idea that the Oracle games and Link's Awakening are all "illusory realms", challenges that the Hero of Time Link was given between the past and the future, to prepare him for his adult quest. Not sure which brilliant Zelda Tuber came up with that, but it's really stuck as my head canon.

  25. Lon Lon Ranch is a former siege camp. It has natural barriers, only one entrance, walls just high enough for an escape, a watch tower, it’s situated in the high ground right in front of the castle gates, and tunnels could have been built from the mouth of the canyons to under the ranch as a supply route almost directly from Gerudo Valley.

    The civil war happened in Link’s lifetime. There is gate still erected that once stopped the Gerudo fighters from accessing Lake Hylia. The relics and aftermath of the civil war make odd things such as that make sense. As a child I couldn’t fathom why someone would realistically gate off the beach. I lived swimming and spent lots of time at the local swimming pool in courses and always went to the beach every week in the summer at a very young age. OoT was so realistic and revolutionary and I was was 3-4 years old, I seriously contemplated what the townspeople would think if they couldn’t go to the beach and swim.

    You can take the theory even further and say that Talon married a Gerudo warrior after the war ended and that’s why Malon has red hair.

  26. My next theory is that Koume and Kotake somehow uncovered the truth about Demise during their long lives. They planted the seeds of war and hatred for centuries, until a son was finally born with the hatred necessary to carry the will of Demise.

    The trials of the Gerudo were designed to kill Ganondorf. He passed the training grounds and was ready for the same test every Gerudo boy before him completed: a pilgrimage to the Spirit Temple where they would become return men.

    This time would be different however. Koume and Kotake interfered with tradition and casted a perpetual sandstorm in the Desert. Ganondorf would get lost and die in the sands, asking the gods for any power they could offer him so he can finally destroy the Kingdom of Hyrule.

    Demise would answer. The Triforce of Power would not chose Ganondorf on that day, or ever consider him as candidate for its vessel, because despite Ganondorf’s aptitude for magic and natural strength as a Gerudo trained warrior – it still would never be enough strength to wield the Triforce of Power.

    Ganondorf the Gerudo Warrior died that day in the desert and Demise was reincarnated into his body. Demise finally found a hatred, not power, that matched his very own. Koume and Kotake would be waiting at the Spirit Temple to see their king reborn, but he would need to mature and become stronger to wield the Triforce.

    Ganondorf would learn to hone his magical strength at the Spirit Temple where he spent 7 years to complete the trials. Koume and Kotake’a work was done. Demise has forever found a host because young Ganondorf refused to die in the desert on his pilgrimage, he was told that he would finally destroy the royal family and he wished for one last chance. At the age of 10 he died and Demise happily granted his wish.

  27. i honestly agree with the order of aLttP, the Oracle Games and Links Awakening. Although I have never played the games (only watched a lets play), the thing that was really annoying to me was the manga. I came into the Zelda Fandom via the Manga by Hiromu Arakawa, and the Oracle Manga were my very first. I learned of the timeline only after, and read the aLttP Manga years later after getting into the fandom. So I was always quite confused as to why the Oracle Games were put between aLttP and Links Awakening, because I understood that after aLttP Link sailed away and Links Awakening happened. But because of the Manga (although I know they dont always follow the game story strictly) I thought that the Oracle Link was a whole different Link, because in the OoS Manga he came to Hyrule City and has never met Zelda before (and has never saved Hyrule like in aLttP). It was really a hard time for kid-me to understand that he´s supposed to be the same Link as the one from aLttP and Links Awakening.

  28. My fan theory is that the Fierce Deity mask is a dark interloper transformation mask;

    You mentioned, along with NBC in the War on Ikana video, that the ancient tribe that created Majora might be the Dark Interlopers. That really got me thinking. At the end of MM in the sequence on the moon, Majora asks Link to play a game of "good guys against bad guys", where Link is the "bad guy", before giving him the Fierce Deity mask. This could mean the Fierce Deity form given to Link, might be based on what would be a bad guy in the eyes of Majora. According to the legend of Majora's Mask, the mask was sealed in shadow by it's creaters, possibly the Dark Interlopers, to prevent its misuse. If the Dark Interlopers did indeed sealed away Majora, they could be "bad guys" in Majora's eyes, and therefore the Fierce Deity mask could be based on the Dark Interlopers appearences.

    Further evidence to support this can be found in Twilight Princess. The Dark Interlopers appear in a vision of Link. In this vision, one Dark Interloperactually steals Link's appearance, with 1 notable difference, he has blank white eyes instead of puppils. The same happens when Link puts on the Fierce Deity mask. He gets blanks eyes. This makes me believe not only the theory that the Dark Interlopers are indeed the same tribe that created Majora, but also that Fierce Deity Link is simply just Link with the powers of a Dark Interloper (in the same way that Goron Link is Link with the powers of a Goron.

  29. You know on the topic of the two timelines, one detail that's always fascinated me was the nomenclature used for Ganondorf. His official title for each game gets swapped in the ZE timeline.

  30. Always thought that the Zonia were the Interlopers/Twili from TP because of the Barbarian Armor. The Twili were are magic focused society that specialized in enchantment (note the fused shadow and how no Twili use any offensive or defensive magic, rather they modify their bodies with equipment to fight. Zant was given power by Ganondorf so his magic attacks are most likely from that power and not his Twili magic). The Barbarian Armor works in a similar way by augmenting the strength of the wearer. The red hair of the armor could also be a reference to Midna.

    The Interlopers were also banished by the gods into the twilight realm during a war they were winning against Hyrule so it makes sence they would have taken some land away from the Hyrulians and built upon it. Its also possible that the land surounding Hyrule was theirs to begin with, but after they were banished it fell to the Hyrulians, which explains the Zonia Mazes on the outskirts of the map in regions that in previos games were not explorable.

  31. @monstermaze something I just noticed about the barbarian armor – the war paint on the stomach shows what could be interpreted as 3 dark figures. In the twilight princess interloper cutscenes, the interlopers are depicted as 3 dark figures in a similar orientation. We also know that the Zonai are said to be strong magic wielders, just like the interlopers…. another connection? I don't think I have heard of this connection in the body paint and interlopers in other theory videos


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