5 RPGs I Need To Talk About… -4-

5 more RPGs I need to talk about; three remasters, one Chinese and the popular Final Fantasy XVI…
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50 thoughts on “5 RPGs I Need To Talk About… -4-”

  1. In conclusion you don’t know anything about Final Fantasy since the main line games have been changing since the very first game.

    Is incredible how people define JRPG only based on “it’s has to be turn based”

  2. To me, Final Fantasy has always been about the characters, not the story. Most stories are either basic cliches or convoluted messes that send you to space for no reason, but whenever I remember epic moments about FF, I always remember the characters and a combat system that lets me relate and be part of those character's journeys is key.

    FFX had some great characters that I love to this day, but also had some heavy duds that I don't care for, and the number of characters I like have been declining every since and now I can't even play as them anymore, so… why should I even care for this game? Even Strangers of Paradise is great because the amazing and heavily customizable combat system is paired with an absolute weirdo! The story is actually the weak point of that game, I just wanted to see what else that lunatic was going to do next, that kept me engaged.

    The Devil May Clive combat system is just mediocre. It's a copy/paste of a tired formula that gets boring by the end of its original game, now we have it tacked on a game that is five times longer. Action games can have stories too and it lacks Role Playing elements to me, so I don't consider it an RPG to begin with, just a really long hack 'n slash.

    I've been passing less and less time with mainline FFs since X-2 and it's about time I skip one completely. Since spin-offs seems to be delivering stuff that better suits my tastes, I'll keep playing those and fullfill the wishes of that Yoshi dude that I don't care for and respectfully leave his franchise.

  3. I have never been a fan of FF, I found them very boring except for FFXI, FFXII, FFXIV (After Yoshi took the game but before he changed it to Realm Reborn) and MobiusFF. So I am glad they decided to make FFXVI more mature as it appeals to me more, the only reason I haven't purchase it yet is because I'm waiting for the PC release.

  4. I'd still call it FF16 but i'd add DMC somewhere before or after FF depending on preferences and remove the RPG tag to name it j-action game.
    Final Fantasy has been lost for a few years now and it saddens me to see how they gradually went for more and more action but well if it's what sells and it makes people happy…juste remove rpg from the tag and have your fun i guess.

  5. Couldn't agree more about FFXVI…Is the game bad? No, of course not, but at the same time it lacks personality or originality, It's sad to see one of the greatest RPGs of all time become just a generic hack n' slash…

  6. You are missing out on a decent mature FF without all those crazy or cute characters (I hate caith Sith so much) and wasting your time with Loli games instead 😛 It is way better than FFXV or God of War for that matter. I do agree SE should surprise us with something more like FFX with a world map instead of chasing it's own tail, but that is when Sakaguchi left, a Lost Odyssey sequel would be more like old FF.

  7. Are you buthurt with square or something like that? You review rapsdody but dont wanna give a chance to play final fantasy 16 just because you think its not final fantasy, that stupid man, at least play the game before trash talk the game, sorry i dont wanna seee your content anymore, unsub here.

  8. Let's see if you still think that FF16 isn't a Final Fantasy game after you beat the game. I honestly think combat gameplay doesn't define a game as a final fantasy game, but the story and lore does. I've play a lot of final fantasy games and this one is my fave so far. Anyway, I hope you make a full review of it and I look forward to watching it. Thanks for the vid!

  9. That's a shame that you can't control your other party members in FFXVI. From the Ys-like UI, I thought it would be a super party-based ARPG where every character has unique abilities, like Xenoblade or modern Ys. Not sure why they didn't do that.

  10. It's funny seeing people claim FF XVI doesn't count as an FF game when over time the series has always changed and innovated even if you ignore graphics playing FF IV and then playing FF VIII feels like two different series outside of the few references. They don't just keep making old school FF games over and over the series that has done that is DQ not FF.

    Shit this might be the most similar to the older FF games ever outside of combat system, it's set in medieval times and there isn't a ton of fancy technology around.

  11. It is best to use the eikon abilities to break the breakable enemies in my opinion. Otherwise it can take some time. You do get another thing where if you press on the sticks it powers you up and slowly (I mean SLOWLY) regenerate health and I use that mostly on the downed enemies since it is rinse repeat. Eikon abilities generate said ability and while using the power you let your powers cooldown.

  12. God thing you don't get to decide what Final Fantasy is. The game is fantastic.

    Also, while you recommend not choosing story mode, your footage shows you using at least one of the easy mode accessories 🙄

  13. Thanks for the video, Erick. I have Legend of Nayuta for the Playstation on order from Amazon, and am just waiting for it to ship. I may also pick up those two Rhapsody remasters, as they look fun, however I've never played the first game so I'm wondering if I should grab that as well to get the complete story? I have the Final Fantasy 16 demo downloaded to my PS5, but I've never gotten around to playing it. Looks "okay" as a pure action RPG, but I've not found my interest in it very high, and so it's just been sitting on my console untouched up to this point. Will probably give it a try someday.

  14. I liked ff16, just wish it was more of a rpg and had more of a focus on the party instead of just clive when it comes down to combat. There were some good side quests, most were just regular fetch quests though. As much as i liked it, the game didn’t feel like final fantasy like you were saying. It felt like a action adventure game set in the final fantasy universe. Still good tho. I’m pretty sure ff7 rebirth will be a few steps up tbh. Can’t wait for 2/29.

  15. Final Fantasy XVI is the best game in the franchise, since the PS2. Yes even better than 7 remake imo.

    However it's not without its flaws. It is basically a reskinned DMC. Which is fine cause DMC has great gameplay. The problem is the length and the difficulty of the game. Where DMC is short sweet and challenging. FFXVI is long and easy. So you get tired of the combat before you're done. I finished it on normal did every bounty, didn't die once. Was never even close to dying. And some of the later game Eikons i didn't even use cause the first 2 you get are pretty much mandatory, so you only have room for 1 more.

  16. For me Final Fantasy stopped being Final Fantasy after 10. I kept giving them a shot all the way through 13, 13-II was the closest to being a FF Game again, but gave up after that. They are ashamed of FF being a JRPG and are desperate to turn it into ANYTHING else.

  17. To be honest I deleted Final Fantasy 16 right away after playing it for some few hours and even hid the trophies from the people on my friendslist because I was too embarrassed that I fell for the aggressive marketing. 🎉

  18. Clive is the most generic name's protagonist ever in Final Dead Fantasy lmao, sounds like a name of western npc dude in MMO 😅, compared to previous title who had such a good name protagonist (Firion, Bartz, Squall, Tidus, Noctis, or even Balthier)

  19. I loved ff16. I was hooked on it from start to end and beat it in a few days. So I don't understand the hate, and these days I'm quite picky with my games. These others I'll have to play. I'm downloading Nayuta right now, actually, but I was playing sword and Fairy together forever, which is somewhat fun.

  20. Final Fantasy 15. Was a better game than Final Fantasy 16. There was such an outrageous amount of love for the series. Evident love in so many ways that I can point out. From Ignis (I think) humming the FF battle music at the end of some fights, to being able to buy like 30 different soundtracks from every final fantasy game in existence and other games. And it wasn't just a trend chasing game. It did something really cool with the franchise. Sure it's divisive but it did a hell of a lot right. I could spend hours just listening to Spotify and fishing. And the road trips were so awesome. Sure, chapter 13 sucked but they did improve it. They did make the game a lot better with the royal edition. And the different upgrades that came with the regalia freaking awesome. Not to mention all those cool recipes you could discover. Final Fantasy 15 to me stomped Final Fantasy 16's ass. I know that's a take. A lot of people on here won't agree with but you know what?

  21. The 'P' in Yoshi-P is stands for "Piece of Shit'. Not only FF16 feels like a mediocre brand new IP that borrows Final Fantasy name. He also introduced a disgusting LGBT-ABCDEFG into this franchise. I wouldnt't waste even a single cent of my hard earn money for this trash.

  22. Was really hoping the FFXVI bit wasn't just going to get shit on like it was coming from someone bitter about not being given a free PS5 by Sony.
    But that's pretty much exactly what it was.
    Fun fact, and I'm using it because we're both Ys fans:
    FFXVI's Clive ISN'T DMC, or any of the other action RPGs people are defaulting to.
    It's the Dana segments from Ys VIII, arguably the BEST action RPG ever made. Particularly with the proper translation.
    Now here's the thing about it, and I REALLY want you and everyone with your opinion to think about this:
    Funny how each of those games basically abandoned what FF was (which isn't the turn based game people thought it should have stayed, but a digital representation of table top RPGs, which means that as digital media evolves, it evolves. It ALWAYS did the most with it's combat and graphics and story that the system allowed it to. Table top RPGs ALWAYS have the player focus on a single character. ATB was introduced when systems could handle it. Now that systems are more powerful, it's even more real time based. Which was always the intention.) without fans acknowledging the base of FF. If you're out here, clinging to the days of FF being turn based because DQ was turn based.. play DQ instead.
    The day Square Enix was born was the day turn based FF died. Call me an asshole, I don't give a damn, because anyone reading this knows it's true.
    Like, if EA and Activision merged (god help us), Battlefield would be dead. Not the next year or the next decade. That. EXACT. Moment.
    If you want to blame anyone for the end of 'classic' FF, blame Enix.
    Sad to see that half of gamers aren't really putting those pieces together, but this elitist bullshit attitude towards gaming is why the niche games this channel covers will always be niche games for jaded, bitter, angry gamers that will rarely ever grow or expand their audience.
    Not because some of them don't deserve to. Divine Force is excellent. But because fans do everything to keep them small and niche and unsuccessful. It's just easier to maintain them because their budgets are small and their operating costs rarely ever expand. It's why Compile Heart, IF, and indie Octopath Traveler ripoffs always look like PS3 era titles. Minimal effort, buoyed by decent writing and cringe fourth wall breaking.
    Just another reminder that you, the gamer are in on the joke. You, the gamer, ARE the joke now though, and you'll hold on to the notion that a sexist, trope filled cast of all-white characters is the peak of game design.
    As long as there's jiggle physics and a wink-wink to the players, that shit will always find a market. Their audience might have peaked in high school, but hey. Those people are important too. Who else is going to rant on YouTube or make our fast food??


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