5 NEW and Upcoming Monster Taming Games YOU NEVER KNEW! | Jan 2023

Here we are with yet another β€œMonster Taming Games You Never Knew” Video, this time bringing forth a mix of some raising and battle focused titles for Nintendo Switch, PC and Mobile platforms!



Volzerk (yes I spelled it wrong on screen lol)

Parks Unknown:


Seekers of Sahul:
Make sure to Subscribe for more Monster Taming Content!
Check Out These Monster Taming Videos:

Is Coromon Worth it?

Major Upcoming Monster Taming Games in 2022!

20 Upcoming Monster Taming Games for Nintendo Switch:

7 Upcoming Monster Taming Games For Mobile:

10 More Monster Taming Switch Games:

Upcoming Monster Taming Games in 2022:

Nexomon Extinction Starter Evolutions Explained:

Coromon Starter Evolutions Explained:
My Socials:

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GymLeaderEd
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gymleadered
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Avatar: Bisloba

End Screen Music: Coromon Ice Mountain Theme
Composer: https://www.youtube.com/c/DaviVasc
God Tier Patrons:
-Dro Ghost: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr1VrzcYtdTwyB51D63E_3g
-Jim Hamilton

#evomon #volzerc #indiegames #monstertaming #pokemon #nintendoswitch #android #ios #pc #steam


28 thoughts on “5 NEW and Upcoming Monster Taming Games YOU NEVER KNEW! | Jan 2023”

  1. Okay, this is a tip for any Brazilian (or Portuguese native speaker) interested in Evomon: if you select Portuguese as your language for the game, it will NOT save nor unlock any achievements. Had to play it in English for that.

  2. Hey Volzerc some how remind me of some JRPG like Armed Fantasy art style than genshin "cartoon goofy but not to smooth". I think i okey if the game was premium "you can buy the game with reasonable price" like monster hunter i mean not every game in mobil must free to play. Also if it is free to play i think it's okey just hope they have good monetization.

  3. Evomon definitely looks to scratch the itch I've had for a modern digital pet game, but something about it just felt off. It doesn't seem to have any soul to it. Not very descriptive, I know, but I can't quite put my finger on what feels off. I wish I had better feedback here, but it's one of those moments where it's a feeling more so than something you can put in words, like how you can enjoy a flavor but be unable to describe why the flavor is good without saying "it's good". Maybe I just need to play it to alleviate this feeling.

    Volzerk is by far the highest quality one in terms of visuals, and it looks like a genuinely fun game. It looks like most of what I expected from Re:Legend, but actually good this time. The monster designs look excellent, and having full 3D models with such life to them is a very much welcomed aspect. This one has me hyped, though I do retain some skepticism since things that look good are not guaranteed to actually be good. Looking at you, Re:Legend. Buyer's remorse in full swing there. I refuse to pay for any microtransactions in games nowadays since I learned that I have horrible self control, so even if this game ends up being great, I'm not putting money towards it because I'm easily lost on slippery slopes. It looks as good as a $30-50 game, but the fact it's free has me worried. Not enough to skip out on it, of course.

    Parks Unknown has a great concept, but visually I'm not feeling it. It doesn't look that good at all. It kind of looks like it went the same route as games like Super Meat Boy and Binding of Isaac, but it ultimately looks like it's in the very early stages of design rather than an intentional design choice. I like the concept of a park builder where you go out and catch the exhibits yourself though. That's a great idea that I'm surprised hasn't been more common. It's also something I've done in unrelated games, where I catch monsters or NPCs and put them in cages to show off that I indeed caught them. I do that in Minecraft all the time with phantoms. Guilty pleasure.

    Scallion RPG sounds like it would be enjoyable, especially with typeless attacks, but as with Parks Unknown, the art direction is…very underwhelming. It also doesn't appear to stand out that much, especially in the few monster designs that have been shown. I don't have much to really say otherwise for this one.

    Seekers of Sahul has a great concept, but of all the games shown, this one's art is one I would actively consider bad. There are so many different styles of sprites and images, and none of them really blend well together. There was a game I played in the past that feels similar in that regard, but I can't remember the name of it for the life of me. I hate that this is the most noteworthy aspect of the game for me so far, because I would like to play the concept, just without the mixture of mismatched styles.

    I know I sound excessively critical regarding the art for some of them, especially in the art department, but they really do look exceedingly rough around the edges. I want to claim to be unbiased, but it's really hard to do so, especially since Volzerk just looks miles better in every regard. I'll definitely give all of them a try since they all do sound fun, but visually speaking, Volzerk is the only one that stands out in a good way. Though, I've been let down constantly by games that look good either visually or conceptually, so I will definitely stay on the fence with all of them rather than actually hyping one or more up, but it's hard not to be drawn close to Volzerk over the others.

    TL:DR, I think Volzerk is the best of the bunch shown in every aspect except for the fear of potential microtransactions in a free game, Evomon is the second best since I still love digital pet games, and I'm heavily put off by the visuals of the other three despie their interesting premises.

  4. I tried evomon but the minigames were just way too frustrating to keep playing. I get that they cannot be too easy cuz otherwise you'd just get a billion resources but the actual process of playing them felt unfun for that majority of them.

  5. If Volzerk's monetization isn't terrible I might try it. It looks honestly pretty cool and gives me some PS2 era JRPG vibes. But otherwise I'm wary because I have impulse issues with gacha games.

  6. If possible, someday bring us information about Roco Kingdom. This Tecent game promises a lot. I hope the project becomes a reality and it can come to the whole world.


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