5. Let's Play Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga

Been meaning to start an LP of this game since it first came out, my vote for game of the year 2022, a very small time indie strategy rpg, kind of a mix of Fire Emblem & Ogre Battle. It punches way above it’s weight for a retro themed indie game.

***If you want to have a unit named after you, leave a comment and I’ll add it during the next stream***



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2 thoughts on “5. Let's Play Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga”

  1. So I ended up buying this game based on this LP and started playing it. Your final note about how base management can suck up a lot of time definitely applies to me. I'll build up a squad, then change my mind and throw it away, change everybody's classes, re-arrange everything…

    I think maybe I'm underestimating some of the other affinities, I've been focusing on Lightning for physical classes and Water or Dark for magic classes, but you're getting way more loyalty boosts than me, and those would come in handy. Also I'll have to go back and watch where you got all those arena coins…I only had one Bronze Arena coin at the same time that you had 3, AND another one showed up for you in the market! I ended up making my one arena run count, adding an archer to most squads so I could chip away at the boss a bunch of times for that sweet XP and CP boost. I ended up getting a full sized dragon before this mission even started. 🤣


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