5 BIGGEST Reasons MEN Should AVOID Single Mothers (Brutal TRUTHS…) | self development

5 BIGGEST Reasons MEN Should AVOID Single Mothers (Brutal TRUTHS…) | HIGH Value Men | self development coach. This is also the key to work motivation. Masculine energy and frame.

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44 thoughts on “5 BIGGEST Reasons MEN Should AVOID Single Mothers (Brutal TRUTHS…) | self development”

  1. Great advice. I am 54 and everytime I was with a single mother is was a mistake. Big mistake- every single time! If you want something to take care of and to love you unconditionally just skip it and get a pet. You came be a women's hero without inheriting another man's problems and kids. Date "truly" single women and yes there is PLENTY out there at all ages. That's my best advice with women from an older guy that's been there done that.

  2. I do not agree, i dont make every influencer my idol, i believe in what is righteous. Not just what is good, anything can become good nowadays.
    Islam teaches are completely different way of life, a life that is more natural to humans instinct and feelings.
    Single mothers need more support than single girls.
    Everyone wants a single virgin girl but we are the one who taking their virginity and searching for next virgin. And then calling a single mother as danger while she is the one (most of the time) got cheated, treated badly, ghosted by her man.
    West is doomed

  3. 2 good reasons to date single mothers. Maybe one day two girls who you tried to help raise will contact you a few years later, and thank you for trying to be their dad.

  4. The time you waste with single mothers will never come back. Time = life. You will lose your time, money and piece of mind and those kids you have become attached to can and will be used as weapons against you And most likely they will never even miss you once your gone.

  5. Women read these comments so that you know to stay away from these types of men. Thry won't be an equal partner. These types of men will blame you for everything. They will abandon their children.

  6. Honestly I want to say American single mothers are the worst. I’ve been overseas and met a few single mothers and though we’ve never dated, they were a lot more pleasant than the ones in the US. Here, single mothers are more arrogant, like taking care of them and their child is the greatest achievement you can do and you’re not a “man” if you don’t. They’ll even blast it in their online dating profile. Overseas I feel like it’s kind of like “hey sorry that this might bother you but I have a child” like they know it’s an inconvenience. I always say the most confident women I’ve ever seen are overweight single mothers from the Midwest.

  7. Her incredible masculinity let us broke in the end, years ago, i see her new "boys" smile at me like winners when i get my kids for weekend,

    its a 2 to 4 years cirle repeating boy after boy after boy, seems like your Clips aint reach them.

    Hey don´t stare at me, she gonn empty her toxic bin over me if i start talk to ther new sources^^

  8. If you've been around single mothers enough or been on dating apps you'll hear or read "my kids always come first" or "are my number one priority" that's a huge red flag in my book. The kids will always be an excuse to not have to put 100% effort toward the relationship and every argument regardless if you're correct or not doesn't matter to her with this little saying. All I can say is run. This is a warning you shouldn't ignore. You will pay dearly with time, emotions and energy. There is no freedom with a woman like this.

  9. My mother left my dad for the crime of being boring. He worked hard, 50-70 hour work weeks, head of maintenance at a large hospital, and he was tired, but provided us with a good life, in the material sense. He was ex-military, and lived that way all his life, so he was very strict and not a very loving father, but he was there. For boredom, she threw our lives (three kids) into the dumpster, moved us 2000 miles from Texas to Vermont… At first we lived in a tiny camper behind my aunt's house, then into a low income housing facility full of drunks and druggies, criminals and low lives (full of single moms with ex-con bad-boy boyfriends).
    When my little sister died, we sued the hospital for malpractice (long story), and dad came back for a few months, he was angrier, meaner, used the belt on us a lot more for smaller infractions, and stayed just long enough to take half the money back to Texas, to supposedly buy a ranch for us, and then we were to move back down… Instead, he bought that ranch for a single mother and her two boys, which brought him years of suffering and left us devastated.
    My mother grew ever more bitter, but quickly hooked up with a druggy wanna-be country western singer, honkey-tonk man, the property maintenance man, and exact opposite of my dad — the fun guy my mom always wanted. Within a year he blew through all the rest of the settlement money, on pet projects that never seemed to pan out, abused the hell out of me, developed a crush on my sister, etc. Finally she threw him out, after years of him sitting around smokin weed and hanging out with his unemployed grifter friends, while she worked her ass off as a secretary… He committed felony theft in Vegas (long story) and the FBI showed up to arrest him (he transported what he stole across state lines).
    My mother was religious and rather straight laced, but her bitterness grew ever deeper, and she began to manifest bi-polar traits, where she could be very sweet and loving, but then would switch into an abusive terror. She married again, to a speed addicted, alcoholic, truck driver, who was also a serial adulterer, with a love of porn; and when I say he loved porn, I mean, he had stacks of magazines, including the very dark and illegal sorts of stuff, and had the Playboy channel on every night. It is odd, because mom, knew and was okay with this — though supposedly a religious person. Turns out he drugged and raped my sister, but I did not know this until recently. He eventually went to prison for child molestation, and died years ago, alone and broke in a cheap hotel room.
    The next step-dad… lol… yep… He was a drunk, a hillbilly, went to jail for DWI, BUT, he was a jolly drunk, brought a lot of chaos and loudness, but wasn't abusive to either my mom or us, and adored her, though he put up with a lot of abuse from her, including being hit. He was the only one who tried to defend me against her abusive tirades, and also took me hunting, taught me how to shoot, dress out a deer, fish, and change a tire. He always worked hard, even when he lost his license from the DWIs, he would ride a bike to work, miles, even in winter. Mom and him split a couple times, she was a mean woman and he was a mess, but somehow they always got back together and stuck it out, and grew to deeply love one another.
    In his Jesus years he was a much quieter, calmer person, but also not jolly any more, friendly but subdued. Truth is, out of everyone in my family, he's the only one I miss. My sister became a very cold, materialistic elitist type, while I was left pretty screwed up by my upbringing, nothing illegal, but had a hard time functioning, have lived as a recluse throughout much of my adulthood (don't smoke, drink, or use drugs though, no criminal record, but extremely introverted).
    Both my sister and I had good marriages though, but when my wife died after 18 years, well that's been hard — as she healed me of a lot of it (we never had kids).
    My last step dad died years ago, but I've had weird dreams where he shows up and just says hello from to time… he's very different in those dreams, the years of alcoholism and smoking, the wear and tear, are absent, he's tall and strong. Never saw him like that, in his youth, while he was alive. Not much I can say as a happy ending — my life is quiet though, alone most of the time, no ties to my mom, my sister, any member of my family now, I live thousands of miles from anyone I knew or grew up with, by choice. Yet, maybe thanks to my last step-dad's example, I have hope in a happily ever after someday.
    Worked with the elderly a lot in my life, seen so many couples that lived their entire lives together, 50-60-70 years together, and when one dies the other soon follows. Wish I had known that… Wish that was the norm in society. I know those marriages are not perfect, they go through a lot to last that long, but, in the end, in the elder years, all the investment seems worth it, as they have each other to lean on, when everyone else is gone. Listen to stories about their kids too, and you hear a lot of success stories, in comparison to what happens to kids from the other side of life.

  10. # 3: 53 / 10:24
    "..who is constantly weary of your …." Could be: "… who is constantly wary of your … "
    We are talking about she being suspicious of you, but about she being tired of you.
    Hope this works for this great video's uploader. If you are too busy to notice this, you may be already on the downhill curve.

  11. Pretty accurate and interesting, Raised ,Mostly by a single mom, A few stepdads came and went. Got lucky Married 42 good years, Was Not going to be a Statistic. life has ended up pretty good.

  12. You forgot # 6. The Ex Husband. Somehow, some way, there are many Ex Husbands who just won't be cool about the arrangement. It's always a contest, especially if "he got dumped". They will impose themselves on your environment and you'll have to conform to them being around for the sake of the kids. It's almost better to find a single mom and kid that the Ex never wants to see again.

  13. I live in Canada I'm single and never got married and i see most of the women are single mothers and as per Chanakya niti one can read it, this guy is exactly right. Please date single girls dont waste your time she will use you 99.99% because she has a baby who didn'y come from you so you are that dog for her entertainment. Please brothers careful.


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