5-0 DG Tournament Win! Event Deep Dive!

Aiden just took down the 56 player Gravel Pit GT and walked away with the gold! But just how did he do it? Join us as we deep dive every game and find out just how Aiden spread the perfect plague over this event!

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17 thoughts on “5-0 DG Tournament Win! Event Deep Dive!”

  1. nice for papa nurgle and gz.
    good to see Death guard can played more than one way.
    i played yesterday Morty with 3 pbc Landraider and LOV and i shoot so heavy all down … the ultramarine dont know what was going on^^

  2. Any quick tips on playing against Sisters? Every time I play against them they have half the board screened for deepstrikes because theyre basically a horde army now and their vehicles absolutely wreck as well.

  3. Hey Aiden and Will, massive thank you for these deep dives into your tournament matches.
    A few questions for you fellows:
    – You were talking about a nerf to Morti. I must have missed it. Could you please tell me more about this one?
    – And would you mind explaining the use of the Biologus once more. I haven't used the grenade strat in 10th. There is no shooting for the unit afterwards right? So is it worth to consider running the biologus as a single model. But then we would lose the autowounding on 5s with the marine squad for one round of shooting. Probably not worth it. Do you run the biologus always with the 5-man-squads or is there also on in the big 10-man-brick together with the blightspawn?


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