44,000 Shops Shut Down in China's Price War, Unpaid Wages and Economic Uncertainty

– Tremendous Noise Explosion in Shanghai and the Truth Behind the Silence of CCP
– Government owes 9 months’ wages, employees suffer under CCP rule
– 44,000 Shops Fallen! Low-price Coffee Battle in ChinaCh ina Sparks Wave of Closures
– Alibaba laid off 20,000 employees last year, former executivesexecs now deliver gigs
– Shocking revelation inside the Chinese economy: GDP growth is only zero to 1%


20 thoughts on “44,000 Shops Shut Down in China's Price War, Unpaid Wages and Economic Uncertainty”

  1. Hey Chinese … welcome to reality. This shit happens all over the world and we do hold our governments responsible. You should also hold the CCP responsible. Everywhere else one missed paycheck and people walk out.

  2. God says

    "Who curse them,I will curse them back and who those protect them i will protect them back."

    In the bible
    Philipnes was the lost tribe of israel
    Hes promised he will stand and protect for his people.

  3. Democracy is
    a system of government by the lobbyists, for the lobbyists and of the lobbyists. The lobbyists finance the corrupt politicians who pass law to fund the foreign nation of god chosen people who then fund the lobbyists in a vicious circle. Lobbyists promote unending war to profit the military industrialist. Lobbyists spread diseases and promote opioid nations to profit the drug companies. Democracy creates the biggest American zombie in the world to dominate the world in continuous wars and regime changes. It committed the heinous war crime, holocaust of Palestine people, robbery of Syrian oil and African resources, apartheid in Gaza, cyberhijacking of passenger planes and murder of thousands of innocent airline passengers , infestation of the world with corona virus, espionage n surveillance of world people and propaganda n misinformation through its powerful media all in the name of democracy. The obvious shameful hypocrisy of western democracies crying about human rights yet supporting genocide of innocent children n women in Gaza. This fellow here is funded by CIA to tell lies and propaganda to brainwash you. USA government annually budget 90 billions $ to pay for propaganda against China. Democracy is the greatest ponzi cheat by printing of trillions of iou notes with no intention to redeem. Democracy and election are bullshit. Whether democrat or republican president is elected , the real power is held by THE SAME DEEP STATE and corrupted lobbyists. All these cronies corrupt politicians, military industrialists and prostitute western media are laughing all the way to the banks while the world suffer from their crimes. THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY IS ABOUT. Thanks

  4. That's incorrect. In the last three years, China's GDP progress is not positive for 2021, 2022, and 2023, because at least four things have happened that eliminated growth. Funds normally used to pay for normal government overhead went into disease control, disease restriction of businesses force drop of all services and production, entire industries were destroyed by the CCP such as private education services, real estate, and banking, and the Chinese government and CCP do not pay their debts. Since, more than 80% of all foreign businesses inside of China have left and import/expert has been cut by more than half, the disposable income by the Chinese is in depression level status. This means the economy will not recover within 5 years. The Chinese are dead people where the economy has not yet stopped dropping. Once China stabilizes, it will take much more than a decade to even have a hope of every getting back to 2020 level of actual GDP.


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