4 pressures driving young Chinese to the biggest crisis, giving birth is not an option

According to Sound of Hope, China’s youth population is facing a crisis that encompasses many areas of life—an existential crisis for some.

Due to the economic downturn, unemployment has soared, and the survival pressure on young people has increased sharply. Some young parents feel they have neither money nor energy, and the financial pressure to raise children is rising.
#SpotlightOnChina #China #ChinaInsights


30 thoughts on “4 pressures driving young Chinese to the biggest crisis, giving birth is not an option”

  1. These people in the CCP are delusional…..you close down entire provinces every few weeks,
    For some fantasy ideal of "zero covid" which will never happen….

    ….. annihilate small business with constant shutdowns & outlaw entire industries at the overnight whim of some bureaucrat living in a Shanghai high-rise…..

    ….allow employers to work employees to the point of total exhaustion with almost no time off & Common practice of unpaid overtime…..

    …..allow banks to steal millions of citizens life savings with no repercussions & no compensation….. allow overleveraged property developers to sell apartments that are never completed and allow banks to collect on mortgage loans for these non-existent apartments…..

    CCP destroyed natural water cycles & river flows with over-building of Dams…to the point of dramatically increasing catastrophic flooding events, wiping out decades of work that went into small biz/industry & subsistence farms across thousands of villages…..

    So put all these items together in a basket of nightmares facing hard working citizens in a dystopian CCP controlled China and you have the perfect environment for a positive societal sentiment around having & raising kids???? LOL…..the level of denial in the CCP is at absurd levels…..you have to laugh at their stupidity before you cry at the plight of the average Chinese….

  2. Asking the Renmin to increase child births but the impractical CCP will not bear the costs of upbringing a child is absolute unrealistic, cunning & destructive of the financial health of Chinese families. All for the sake of increasing future recruitment in the Gangster PLA! There will be more weeping Pinky PLA soldiers on the way to Armageddon!

  3. Population needs to be in balance with jobs, resources, nature and the environment. Having a bigger population in any country than the country can support makes no sense. Access to food, water, shelter, energy and jobs should guide population levels. The worlds population is still expected to add another billion people to feed, clothe and produce pollution. Humans are crowding out all other species of plants and animals. Education and birth control are key to reducing poverty and hunger. Having a child that you can not provide for yourself is cruel and irresponsible. We need solutions not just sympathy. Endless population growth is not sustainable on a finite planet. Every country needs to "TRY" to be more self sufficient. When there are not enough resources to sustain a population something has to give. Countries need to focus on quality of life for their citizens and not just quantity of life for cheap labor. Why import fossil fuels when wind and solar energy can be produced locally and solar energy can power electric vehicles. We need solutions not just sympathy.

  4. Some mothers complain that child care is way too expensive and sometimes not even enough for their worker salary to pay for it. The CCP encourage them to have 2 or 3 children but no benefits to ease the hardship they with one. So the “Let it rot” and the “Lying flat” will rise.

  5. China isn't a communist country any more than the US is a free market. They've each become monstrous in their cronyism subsidized by the state

  6. The most Racist nation on Earth is now facing the wrath of God, a nation run by gangsters like the CCP who bully, lie, cheat and steal! China is the Evilest nation in the world! a nation with no God!

  7. Now grown up, many only children can't imagine having more than one child. It's a cultural problem the Chinese communist party created with its long and brutal one child policy. It's not an attitude that's like to change no matter what it does.

  8. I want to share a story from a friend of mine from when I was attending Texas Christian University: We had a Government & History course together in 2015, so when the Chinese Communist Party ended the 1 Child Policy, she shared what it was like for her. She was from China & born in the early 1990s, but because of this her family was permitted to have 2nd child & 10 years later her sister was born. She told me how growing up there was some issues being a girl with so many boys around in a country that desired sons, as well as the issue of being so much older than her sister. Finally, she said she enjoyed hearing stories from American classmates who grew up with multiple siblings as if it was no big deal.

    From an outsider's perspective, China having this 1 Child Policy as the norm for over 20 years has been ingrained in many Chinese citizens that suddenly ending it & trying to encourage couples to have multiple children will be economic burden for many. Furthermore, in some parts of China the male to female ratio is over 3 to 1 so having a new generation of young couples solve this population problem will be difficult.

  9. It can't be. The Chinese social app I'm using. Majority on it are living a good life. Making a good living. Mostly HV relationship and marital issues that's all


    Who would have thought that the Bible would be more than it seems for many people the Bible are stories that are put together.

    But it's actually prophesied that there will be a hidden word we can actually see this in the parable of the wedding feast where the first time they were too busy and a second time it was for anybody .

    I'll try to explain it the first time was the Jews but because they didn't obey, the second time is for the Gentiles so that some could attend the wedding feast – "Heaven".

    The Jews most likely were upset when they heard this Parable knowing it was about them, that they were left out of a chance to go to heaven this is why they most likely sabotage the bible.

    Even Jesus / Saviour praise our father in Heaven thanking him that the word will be a  Mysteries,the way to heaven is only revealed to babes and not to the wise, this is the hidden path and the only way to understand it is by our savior revealing it to us individually picked, that is why he said that he chooses and  few are chosen.

    There's Prophecies of a stumbling block which is most likely Paul there's Prophecies of a hidden word in Amos and also in Daniel at talks about hiding the word until the end days,look in scripture of even Paul mentioning it –

    (Mark 4:11-12)

    He [Jesus] told them, ' The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!'"

    (1 Corinthians 2:7)

    "No, we speak of God's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began." (1 Corinthians 2:7)

    (1 Corinthians 4:1)

    "So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the secret things of God."

                And also says and Daniel that the transgressors will continue to transgress but the wise will understand, transgress means Breakers of the law and actually it says in the Old Testament that the commandment Covenant is Everlasting that means forever.

    Some Topics I talk about and it's all Free

    1. Holy Spirit is a woman and she is our Mother, she is know by Wisdom,Virgin Mother ,
    Mother Sophia,Queen of Heaven,Salt,Truth,Asherah and the Holy Spirit

    2. Mary Magdalene 12th and most loved disciple 3. How I got to preach the five books telling because dreams ,

    4. dreams of flying 220 times and meeting God,Holy Spirit she's a Woman she told me she was the
    Holy Spirit and to buy for and I didn't listen and I struggled, Jesus Christ 4 times and Angel Gabriel in dreams

    5. Prophecy of hidden of word and bible tampering

    6. Theirs 2 Paul's apostle in the bible , one forged and impersonated

    7. Importance of the Bride and Bridegroom

    8. Christian names in the Gospel of Philip and Secret Gospel of Mary Oral tradition on Ticer Tice YouTube

    9. Warnings of bible tampering by Jesus / Saviour

    10. Male and female teachings

    11. Empire Constantine fake conversion story, pagan Gods on his monument of winning

    12. Vegan and Celibate indefinitely scripture and teachings

    13. Footage and pictures of Mother Sophia and history of her appearances, one being lady of Fatima

    14. Reasons why I took out books from New Testament

    15. Gospel of the Holy Twelve and its History (Original New Testament) Basically word for word ,Aramaic to English Hidden from the bible changers in India

    16. Sophia The Daughter the Holy Bride

    17. Christian Virgins persecution History 18. Animals in human form

    19. Truth to be revealed only to chosen by works and desire of truth

    20. Punishment teachings for to fail

    21. Greek Septuagint Bible was said to be those who corrupted by the 70 men in the lost books

    22. Precepts given to the Jews because Harden heart

    23. 194 Contradictions in New Testament

    24. Stumbling block to be in the bible by parables

    25. History of many saying the bible has been corrupted from Jerome, Marcion and Tertuillas

    26. Jerome letter 383 -384 must look at for self, he also practice a vegan and Celibate life

    ​I found the way to heaven by dreams and research, basically I was taking books out of Paul because I found out he was a false apostle , I heard in a dream five books, I took books affiliated with Paul out and in another dream I heard also the books of Thomas and Philip , after taking out the book of Revelation I seen my self tell my kids you know how to read the bible in another dream.On my Tiktok Ticer Tice  I explain why I took the books out , I have up to twenty languages to choose from the whole website is translated into so you could look at the books and my findings of truth and research , after gathering the five books I was cured of fibromyalgia and started flying in my dreams, I'm up to 218 , I flew to heaven around 10 times, I also met in dreams our Father in Heaven who's name is YahusAhauva ,I was told his name in a dream, The Holy Spirit who is known also by Mother – Queen of Heaven Sophia – Wisdom and comforter, also Saviour / Jesus three times and Angel Gabriel and Monique who she says she's my sister and I asked her if I'm right about the five books and she said yeah,I've made a Facebook called Ticer Tice because of these dreams and research, with the five books I would of most likely not still be a Christian today, my walk is basically easy and I'm not sad or lonely or have any urges or desires for sin.I've been preaching the five books for five years also the Secret Gospel of Mary.

    So basically here's a summary of my understandings, logical guess, findings, historical ,Scriptural and prophecy backing up.The Gnostics were the true Christians , they were labeled Heretics and their teachings have been hidden and we've been given a made up teaching.The real teachings were to be Celibate and Vegan Indefinitely and woman were to also be disciples also and we must know our Mother in Heaven and to know we are Daughter Sophia basically kinda and more .

    TikTok Ticer Tice everything is free and no links to accounts of any kind of financial gain or tithings.
    Those topics are some I have on my Facebook and are still gonna do.

  11. LOL. Xi is like trying so hard to throw out so many stuff at once with so many crisis going on. Food and water crisis are going on but he wants to talk about population control. They got a mega drought issue and he wants to go to war with Taiwan for conquests. Hey that's just a few crisis they got and there's more on the list but it's okay. Let's worry about it later. Let's just throw it all out at once to see what fixes what. pfft LFMAO


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