4 Hours of Action Packed Matches in Kane's Wrath (Live Stream VOD)

We’re cracking open 4 hours of Kane’s Wrath replays sent in by viewers!
0:00 Dimitri(GDI) vs Phoenix(ST) on Tournament Decision
17:50 Bygi, Shah, & o vs Landius, Platus, & Reaper on Dark Waters
39:01 BikeRushOwnz(R17) vs Senna(R17) on Tournament LA
56:50 Dimitri(N) vs Phoenix(N) on Tournament Odyssey
1:15:47 Phoenix(Z) & Senna(MoK) vs DuneTiger(GDI) & BikeRushOwnz(GDI) on Ice Arena
1:51:19 Dimitri(BH) & Mr.MC(ST) vs R1LDCOM(GDI) & Lamas(MoK) on Ice Arena
2:22:16 hngm01(S) vs bombas(S) vs tommy(GDI) vs krakatoa(BH) vs BigMoule(ST) on Tiberium Garden
3:17:25 Modii(N), CommonBank(ST), & Virus_playtowin(MoK) vs donaldtrump1234(GDI), Shwan(MoK), Senna(ST) on Tiberium Resistance
3:35:46 Lamas(N) vs Dimitri(MoK) on Extraction Plateau
3:48:52 Phoenix(ST) vs BikeRushOwnz(MoK) on Tournament Highlands
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Play Command & Conquer online: https://cnc-online.net

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Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sybert
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneSybert
Send replays or questions to: sybertreplays[at]gmail[dot]com


29 thoughts on “4 Hours of Action Packed Matches in Kane's Wrath (Live Stream VOD)”

  1. What, come on Senna! That was one game where I hated seeing Bikerush win. After the Drone Ship went down, Senna made absolutely zero forward moves, just tucked back and let Bike walk all over him. Brutal!
    (if this comment spoiled it for you, well you shouldn't be reading the comments without watching first)

  2. Sybert, 4 whole hours… sign me up. One question though, where are you finding these replays? i'm in limbo right now and would like to try my hand at casting. i'm not asking to join you so dont worry lol, but would be fun to start my own channel as im a literal life long fan of C&C, been playing since I was 5 years old.

    EDIT: Game 2, that Tib missile didnt do much damage as the refinery was basically empty. the more tiberium it can agitate, the bigger the boom I believe. Very much like the mothership in that sense just without the mega destructive capabilities.

  3. That FFA that took as long as the entire MCU movies run time combine actually put me to sleep and when I woke up and it was still on, I didn't realise I was still watching the same match and thought the whole thing ended and auto play next played the next vid I had on my save list until I checked the timeline 🤣

  4. Nice job from BigMoule in that 7th game, hanging on and eventually winning out even when it turned into a 2v1. Even when you've got more income from taking the other two bases, that's a lot of punishment to take. Also, when you think about it he actually was the person who took down every single one of the other 4 players in that game. Very impressive.

  5. after seeing the first 3v3 i became convinced that i too can have a PvP match and upload it for SYBERT to cast and even be able to entertain him!!!
    seriously man WTF was that X))))) im dead!!! :))))) lolz

  6. Screw watching soccer or shows. When i finish work you bet id watch Sybert.
    Watched only dthe 1st match for now but man was it a fun match.
    Dunno if players read comme ts but good job dudes.


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