4+ hour queue times in New World on multiple servers

New World servers are maxed out and Maramma, Orofena, Castle of steel, and Devaloka are all 1-4 hour queue times. New world steam charts population is up 27% showing New World is dying is just not true. With New World queue being so long it is a great and terrible sign for the developers and players. Will the queue times continue to cause major issues for New world like on release or will AGS have a plan in place to help deal with overflow issues for the growing mmo.


12 thoughts on “4+ hour queue times in New World on multiple servers”

  1. New update coming out, server merges, and then a 50% sale for 7 days!!! I almost bought the game 15 mins ago but didn't pull the trigger after reading about all these crazy q times…. Alot of nights I only have 4 hours to play lol Not sit around like an idiot.

  2. Sorry but I will give them a week or so to figure this out or I am Done. I know they wont care but by the time I get home its already 30 plus mins and it goes crazy its like 100 then 20 then 50 then 27 then 100 all over the place

  3. idk how others but iam still in 2500 positions means i wont play for 2-3 hours about… absolutely demotivating me to keep playing.. if i want to move it wont move my house.. so i lose money for the most expensive house i have while i have no more money to buy other… I thing i wont play that game anymore if they dont change anything about that


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