35 Star Trek Actors Who Died In 2022

We have come to that time of the year. Join us while we celebrate some incredible people.

Read the article here: https://whatculture.com/film/35-star-trek-actors-who-died-in-2022

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41 thoughts on “35 Star Trek Actors Who Died In 2022”

  1. A long and depressing list but I'd say more bittersweet. The memories as a Trekkie of all these wonderful people, I'm sure they'd just be happy knowing we enjoyed their performances, let alone how much they impacted on us. Cheers to you all, and all we lost this past year. Hopefully next, we won't need another video like this but a celebration of all Trekkie actors. Here's hoping anyeay

  2. I'm really disappointed that you had to bring Kirstie Alley's politics into this. You didn't mention the politics of any OTHER actor. What a shame you have to push an agenda even in a video like this. KEEP YOUR POLITICS TO YOURSELF. I'm here to hear about Star Trek, NOT to get inundated by your propaganda.

  3. Thank you for doing this.

    The vast majority of these actors won't be mentioned in any yearly memorials or the Oscar and other awards memorials, which is just WRONG.

    I didn't even know that most of them died, even some "larger stars", like David Birney. (ex-husband of Meredith Baxter (-Birney))

    Kind of weird that so many actors on Star Trek died in one year, although statistically maybe that happens every year.

  4. Slag off on Kirstie Alley for supporting Trump. Just so ya know HALF the country supported him. Don’t make it sound “questionable” that she did so. It was anything but questionable. And fyi you alienate a lot of viewer in the US. Tired of the self righteous Bullshit from weak Beta Males and Leftist poofs.

  5. For all those who have left this world in 2022, may they rest in peace.

    For those who have lost someone precious. Grieve not. They have returned to the place we all came from. They are no longer in pain, and will not suffer. The only suffering is our pain in losing their company. But death is a door we will all go through, we all meet them again.

    Do good deeds, help others, to honor them and yourself and humanity.

    Choose to be kind where you can, without being a doormat. Care not what others say or think of you.

    You are made from materiaalia that came from the stars. You are no more, and no less important than any other being. What sets you apart is the good acts you do.

    Be content with what you have, strive for more, but don't chase material possessions or fame, at the end, they are meaningless… Your kindness will bring you more… Even just a kind thought or word

    Peace, goodwill and a content life all…

  6. Was Maggie Thrett only 18 years-old when "Mudd's Women" was filmed and broadcast? She looks a bit older to me. And she passed just recently, but the narrator says "2002."

  7. Excellent list. 🖖👍 They are on their final journey to the great Starfleet Command in the stars. May you all find what you had searched for. You all will be missed. 😢

  8. Really, this is the best memorial listing for actors (and non actors) I've seen in a long while. Very detailed, well researched and thoughtful. I worked briefly with Mike Hagerty in the early 1990's. I can't say I knew him well but he seemed professional and courteous in my brief association. I've been binge watching the original series through the holidays and very much appreciated the start of the video with Nichelle Nichols. Uhura is simply iconic. I was also very pleased you covered actresses Maggie Thrett, Valora Noland and Laurel Goodwin. Very well done. Thank you.

  9. THE LAZERUS EPISODE WITH ROBERT BROWN-is one of my FAVORITES! ( yes Time Travel) but I know I saw the actor in other shows & scenes-and Any actor who can fill in at the Drop of a hat! Well kudos to them! -VERY well done Sean-not long at all-it takes time to be rembered. THE REST OF US would be so lucky. ( I did not know that Nichell had even more to her legacy than MLK telling her DONT you dare quit! INSPIRING FUTURE GENERATIONS & SHE CERTAINLY DID!!… ((perhaps a future show of those who Made the scenes we watched & perhaps the art for the theme of intended scenes to be.
    And Thankyou for your closing statement too -peace to this world.


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