300 Spartan warriors against the 300,000-strong army of the Persian enemy.

This was one of the cruelest wars in human history. As the Persian Empire bribed the House of Representatives and priests, the Spartan king went forward with only 300 elite soldiers to defend his country’s sovereignty against the 300,000-strong Persian Empire army. The Spartans, who knew that they would die, were highly motivated, but they were betrayed by traitors and ended up with 299 dead in battle, while the Persian Empire lost more than 20,000 soldiers.


37 thoughts on “300 Spartan warriors against the 300,000-strong army of the Persian enemy.”

  1. Bruh I know why Persians sucks they send light infantry to fight heavy infantry which was 300 and leonidas the real challenge for the spartan are the immortals finally an elite group vs another elite group

  2. Everything is accurate the backstop except the gear you see they weren't actually naked just the lower part they actually where a plate armor that looks like muscles and they didn't wear pants and underwear

  3. This is a fictionalised film of the battle of Thermopylae.
    The Spartans had already formed alliance with the Ancient Greek Polies (States) and the Greeks were almost 7000-7500 at that time !
    Also historians believe the Persons were no more then 150000- 200000

  4. Me as I greek I know all of this and his words when the persion said to drop there weapons leonidas said μόλων λαβε which means come and take them


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