3 Beautiful College Girls Came And Barged In After I Took Over My Family's B&B

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41 thoughts on “3 Beautiful College Girls Came And Barged In After I Took Over My Family's B&B”

  1. Damn Ena and Yuki are quite the support team in helping Miyu to get Hajime to notice her and I'm sure his parents are happy to know they have a future daughter-in-law working with them. 🥰

  2. Its thanks to Ena🧡 and Yuki💖 that Miyu x Hajime finally became beautiful lover’s💚💙 after they were separated from their old workplace💔 and hopefully someday they’ll get married💍.

  3. Amazing story. Miyu is such a caring girl, and their friends showed what true frienship is. Too bad he still didn't accept to become her boyfriend, but it's just a matter of time

  4. This was great! No bs harem ending. Just two good friends helping a third get over her shyness and get her man. And Hajime's character was cool too. No introvert/she's out of my league crap, just a young guy preoccupied with trying to become a chef, so he didn't have time to notice Miyu as a love interest. I like stories like this.

  5. This was just so wholesome and adorable! Ena and Yuki were amazing friends for Miyu. They helped her muster up the courage to confess to Hajime. And now Miyu and Hajime are a couple together. Well, friends at least. And now Hajime's parents won't have to worry about both the B&B and grandchildren with Hajime and Miyu together now.

  6. "Can we stay here?"
    Huh? This is a B&B. Of COURSE you can stay here! The rent is $___ a night, $___ a week, or $___ a month. You're welcome to stay for as long as you pay your rent.
    Yes, you can pay your rent in advance, if you so desire.
    If you are a long term (prior 3 or more consecutive months before the holiday) guest, we don't charge you the holiday rate for the Valentines day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years holidays.
    If you re asking can you stay rent free …. let me ask you this: Are you asking for a job as maids or something?

  7. 9:56 "Uhh…I…I'm in love with you, Hajime! How do you not see that!?"

    He's focusing on saying his family business, genius! Why is your feelings more important than his purpose?? Stop crying like a little girl and woman up!


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