26lbs Overweight Cat Starts Weight Loss Journey | Bondi Vet

Big cat Ziggy is consistently putting on weight. Doctor Chris fears for his heart, kidneys and lungs and he then sets a camera up to …


48 thoughts on “26lbs Overweight Cat Starts Weight Loss Journey | Bondi Vet”

  1. I had a big cat when I was little he probably was a little bit over- weight he like to eat but he had one dish now if he was eating the other one from the other cat idk, he was my first cat and I loved him very much.

  2. I've had super vocal cats like that in the past and we dealt with it by splitting his food into 3 or 4 small portions throughout the day. Then he felt like he was getting what he wanted without actually going overboard.

  3. And I've been following the feeding directions on the bag. My tortie Willow will devour that half cup in one sitting. We spread it out for the whole day though. But we will be cutting it down more. And we put the food and water up on their counter so she has to jump three levels to get to it. I love our fur babies. Willow is 8 yrs. and our Sherman is 14 yrs. ❤️😸🐾

  4. I honestly hate clients like this. It's not funny, it's not cute. We had a client once that wanted to euthanize her cat because she was peeing around the house. She was peeing around the house because she was 32 pounds and physically couldn't get into the box. We took her in and got weight off of her and found her lovely new owners.
    What I do find funny is how mad Ziggy looks while Chris is talking 😂

  5. that is definitely a chonky boi! one thing she can do is bump up his food with pureed green beans. cats can't digest them – goes right through – but gives them the idea they're getting more to eat than they are. if he's a true garburetor, should be no problem getting him to chow down on it.

  6. Awe, this owner is trying so hard to do what is best for her boy, Ziggy. One thing she could also consider is those electronic cat feeders that has two sides (one for each her fur babies). Each kitty wears a little tag with a computer chip on it and only their side of the feeder will open when they stand in front of it. That way she will know that both cats are getting their fair share of food.

  7. Everybody likes big cats, but that usually means tigers and caracals, not severely obese housecats. I'm so glad that the very nice Australian doctor was able to help him. Maybe. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if it works.

  8. She is loving the cat to death. It is obvious she is educated but not taking charge. The cat will eat if fed, not good to have an owner that supplies far too many calories. Man, such attitude.

  9. Omg this is my worst nightmare for me as a cat owner. I have a friend who feeds her cats twice a day. I feed my cat once a day but I always make sure she has dry food so she is happy. Whenever I take her for a yearly check up I make sure her weight is checked so I know if she's not over or underweight.

  10. So you give them mealtimes, lady! One of my cats eats expensive RX food that the other one shouldn't have, and the obvious solution is that you don't free-feed! They get meals and then the food get put away.

  11. is that half a cup of food a day or half cup morning half night? I am trying to get my girl to lsoe weight, ive been spending hundreds on vet food and nothing has worked. i got an auto feeder but the measurements in the app are weird so i am not 100% sure if shes getting the right amount. never thought of putting her food up, going to give that a try.

  12. Bless them all! Weight loss can be so hard but it's not impossible! Ziggy will live a less painful existence eventually. Charlie, too! Rosa Lee is darling and reminds me of the ever colorful Chris whose parrot was in love with her. He would challenge her husband to matches, and, like Rosa Lee, she also had to address how much food her pet was consuming. In the end, both families will save their pets lives.

  13. Our first cat was naturally big, and being our first, and long-haired, we had nothing to compare him to. The vet was surprised, I think he was about 13lbs (5-6kilos.) But, they assured us he was perfectly healthy, just naturally big; all muscle and fluff.

  14. My cat is so obsessed with food and so dramatic when we haven't fed him as if he'd die tomorrow. But tough love it is because I want him to have a happy and healthy life. Got him at 3 weeks old, he's now 5 years old about 4-5 kilos so at healthy adult cat weight I'd say. Never had issue with his health so far. Key is not to overfeed and underfeed. Pet owners have to be in control not the pets as they don't understand what's good/bad for them


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