25 Shocking and Surprising Travel Facts You Won't Believe! #travel

25 Shocking and Surprising Travel Facts You Won’t Believe!

Travel: we sort of know all about it, right? Wrong. Scratch beneath the surface and it turns out we know nothing of this world. Do you know how long the world’s shortest commercial flight lasts, for example? (Hint: shorter than the time it takes to boil an egg.) How about which country has no rivers? Or what unconventional pizza topping is popular in Sweden?

With international travel currently off the table, there’s no better time to swat up on surprising travel trivia. Offering a few precious minutes of sweet relief from the constant news cycle and providing some fun facts to fill awkward pauses during video calls with friends and family. Trust us, nothing plugs a silence better than a stat about how many steps from the nearest trash bin you are in Disneyland at all times.

Without further ado, here are 25 travel facts that are certain to shock and surprise:

The world’s longest commercial flight took around 30 hours, known as the ‘Double Sunrise’ service by Qantas from Australia to Sri Lanka (1943-45).

The shortest commercial flight, between Westray and Papa Westray in Scotland, takes around one and a half minutes.

Japanese railways hand out ‘certificates’ for delays of more than five minutes.

The most expensive airport to city taxi ride costs around £190 from Tokyo’s Narita Airport.

India’s trains transport roughly 23 million passengers each day – the population of Australia!

Saudi Arabia has no rivers.

In Ethiopia, the current year is 2016 due to their unique calendar.

It is the same time at both ends of China despite spanning five geographical time zones.

The UK has the world’s longest country name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Alaska is both the westernmost and easternmost state in the USA.

The most ordered meal on Deliveroo in 2019 was a Hawaiian dish of raw fish: the Poké Signature Super Protéiné from Pokawa in Paris.

Russia only classified beer as an alcoholic drink in 2011.

Pilots and co-pilots do not eat the same meal before a flight to prevent both from being incapacitated by food poisoning.

Banana is a popular pizza topping in Sweden.

Instant noodles topped a Japanese poll of the country’s greatest inventions of the 20th century.

Despite common belief, the Great Wall of China is not visible from space with the naked eye.

The Eiffel Tower was initially hated by the Parisian art community.

The Great Ocean Road in Australia is the largest war memorial in the world.

Sudan has more ancient pyramids than Egypt.

The minarets of the Taj Mahal lean outward to prevent collapse onto the tomb.

320,000 people are currently learning Klingon on Duolingo.

On the island of Yap, rocks are used as currency.

If New York City’s population density was applied, the whole world’s population could fit into Texas.

You’re never more than 30 steps away from a trash can in Disneyland.

You don’t need to wait an hour after eating before swimming.

If this video brings a smile to your face or a gasp of surprise, hit the like button and subscribe for more fascinating facts from around the globe!

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