25 Best Video Game Consoles of ALL TIME

Of the many thousands of culture-shaking inventions of the 20th century, few have shaped entertainment as we know it as the dawning of the video game console. Released in 1972, the Magnavox Odyssey (with the kind of name that gave gaming a nerdy reputation for decades) is often heralded as the very first video game console, allowing players to swap around game cards to change up the gameplay from Table Tennis to Submarine. Compare those graphics to today’s games and it’s clear just how far we’ve come in the intervening years of this still remarkably young industry.

With us now deep into the ninth generation and the future of the home console as we know it seemingly changing in ways few could predict with the rise of cloud gaming and gradual decline of physical media, it’s time to look back on the best video game consoles of all time across many years and far too many words.

00:00 Intro
02:49 Atari 7800
03:47 PlayStation Vita
05:17 Sega Master System
06:28 3DS
08:08 Saturn
09:46 Xbox Series X & S
11:42 Wii
13:38 DS
15:18 PlayStation 5
16:54 Game Boy
18:30 Nintendo 64
20:22 PlayStation 3
21:53 Xbox
23:45 Game Boy Advance
25:15 Dreamcast
26:55 NES
28:47 GameCube
30:35 PlayStation
32:21 PlayStation Portable
34:08 Xbox 360
35:47 Genesis
37:32 PlayStation 4
39:20 Switch
40:58 SNES
42:58 PlayStation 2

👉Want to see what these consoles have to offer in terms of their best games? Here’s our complete playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ7jWF3QKD8&list=PLe6Km7QryeUTJzSKE7WcLfjpcMsfmla-H

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30 thoughts on “25 Best Video Game Consoles of ALL TIME”

  1. Great video, tons of fun, but in no world is the PS2 the best console of all time. Best selling, yep, the cheap DVD player made sure of that. A ton of classic games, sure, but most were better on future systems. When people talk about retro gaming they rarely go back and play the PS2.

  2. No way the SNES was a better console then Genesis. Except for Donkey Kong country games Nintendo didn't push the limits of their machine. And Sega's marketing strategy expanded the industry bringing in gamers who didn't want to play "kiddie games" which was most of SNES library (I think Nintendo should have leaned into Metroid to attract more from the female demographic).

  3. PS2 and Switch are probably top 2 imo.

    I do think you can get better versions of PS2 games on OG Xbox and sometimes Gamecube. Wii and 360 having backwards compatibility and large libraries probably should put them in line for the #3 spot….leaning towards the Wii because Red Rings of Death should really keep any system out of a top 20 discussion. Wii also had virtual console. So probably Wii at #3 but not for hardcore gamers.

  4. Stop lying about what happened with Nintendo and Sony.

    Sony wanted too much of a cut and they wanted control of some Nintendo franchises, so Nintendo wanted to go with Philips.

    Also, the PS, 2 doesn't deserve to be no1. Its first year was a disaster. It broke all the time until MGS2 came out. It had NOTHING to play.

    Also, the main reason the PS2 sold was, it was the cheapest DVD player at the time.

  5. You guys are kidding yourselves if you think the N64 and GameCube are ahead of the Wii. Both of the former consoles got destroyed in their respective generations for being too limited and difficult to program for, and their game libraries suffered (especially in the RPG realm) as a result. The N64 also has one of the worst controller designs in gaming history, while the Game Cube’s suffers from a lack of balance.

    The Wii, on the other hand, actually took a risk by doing something different, and the result was winning the console generation in terms of market share. And while the console’s library also suffers in terms of 3rd-party support, it did more than any other console to open gaming to the casual masses.

  6. So many factors determine what a great console is. Sales numbers and mainstream popularity are in a time frame, while great games and supporting communities last a lot longer. Also, don't forget the things consoles like for example SNK's Neo Geo AES/CD (memory card), NEC/Hudson Soft's PC Engine (first CD add-on) and the Atari 2600 (first third-party support) brought to the table. While not all of them were affordable, they were in the same market and did leave a lasting mark on the gaming community. So leaving out certain brands or consoles feels a bit unfair.

  7. I find that the modern consoles don't appeal to me very much. The graphics just have to be good enough to not be distracting and I am happy. That's why find that 4th gen (SNES/Genesis/PCE) 2D games and 6th gen (PS2/GC) 3D games hold up very well.


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