240 seconds Glory video by the Dreamscapers

Project TerraNova, our entry for the NASA Space Apps Challenge 2023, is a visionary endeavor. Our goal is to design an imaginary planet called Tetris, which boasts unique features like a super-Earth with a dense ocean, a thick atmosphere, and intriguing seasons. We’ve crafted this world using NASA’s open data on exoplanets and envisioned a sustainable society that harnesses solar power, coral cultivation, and innovative transportation methods. By doing so, we aim to inspire solutions for Earth’s crises, from climate change to overpopulation, while also exploring the potential for interstellar travel.

Challenge link: https://www.spaceappschallenge.org/2023/challenges/

Our challenge ↪️ Habitable Exoplanets: Creating Worlds Beyond Our Own
Event ↪️Space Apps 2023
Difficulty ↪️ Beginner/Youth / Intermediate / Advanced
Subjects ↪️ Arts, Astrophysics, Climate, Earth, Planets & Moons, Space Exploration, Sun

“Are we alone in the universe? To address this question, NASA’s next flagship space telescope, the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO), will search for habitable planets beyond our solar system. What do you think these worlds will look like? Your challenge is to use publicly available information on habitable worlds to design your own habitable world and write about what life might be like on it.”

NASA open data portal: https://open.nasa.gov/open-data/
NASA open API’s: https://api.nasa.gov/
NASA exoplanet catalog: https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/exoplanet-catalog/
NASA exoplanet archive: https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/
NASA multimedia gallery: https://images.nasa.gov/


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