24 Rare Psychology Books For Health, Wealth & Relationships In 2024 – Inner Work Library [116/500]

Read these 24 psychology books to heal yourself in 2024. This video will help you heal your trauma on a limited budget via the power of self healing and self actualization. These are my top 24 psychology books from a selection of over 600 therapy books and self actualisation books.

Don’t miss out on this goldmine: buy the books.

FREE Shadow Work Playlist:

Join me in The Shadow Work Library:




00:00 These Books Are Rare
01:25 1. Trauma Therapy
02:04 2. Inner Child Healing
03:40 3. Parts Work
05:20 4. Somatic Therapy
07:46 5. Bioenergetics
09:49 6. Love & Relationships
12:35 7. The Money Wound
15:45 8. Higher Consciousness
18:16 9. Transpersonal Psychology
20:40 10. Energy Healing & Intuitive Development
22:25 11. Alternative Therapies
24:54 12. Jungian Psychology
27:11 Don’t Skip This Part


Topics explored: inner work; trauma healing; mental health; healing trauma; psychology books; best psychology books; psychology reading list; self help books; book recommendations; psychology; spiritual books; top psychology books; psychology book recommendations; best books on psychology; rare psychology books; best spiritual books; best trauma books; best books on trauma; best spirituality books; top spiritual books; psychology books to read; mental health books; top psychology; self therapy; self actualisation; best therapy books; therapy books;


📸 – Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thorntontheory

DM me for 1:1 consultations & private mentoring.

#selfhealing #psychology #therapy


28 thoughts on “24 Rare Psychology Books For Health, Wealth & Relationships In 2024 – Inner Work Library [116/500]”

  1. 1-1 INFORMATION: Private Mentorship = Max Capacity // Next Availability = Jan 2024 (Deposit Required 20%)

    It's an absolute pleasure to film these YouTube videos, and I feel fortunate to receive an abundance of meaningful messages every week, but I am unfortunately faced with the disappointing reality of turning away the vast majority of people who want to work with me.

    I have significantly limited availability and can support only twenty people per year (because each Inner Work Mentorship requires four months of immersive collaboration).

    Twenty individuals might not sound like maximum capacity, but the last few years of teaching have taught me the importance of maintaining tight energetic boundaries if I want to keep creating this free Q&A series in addition to serving my current clients to the best of my ability. To minimise confusion and enhance transparency, I've spent several hours writing this ridiculously long comment to help you decide if my Inner Work Mentorship is the right choice for your development & what you could reasonably expect from working closely together.

    Please take the time to read this comment before contacting me on Instagram… or feel free to stop reading right now if you’re not interested in my fees, session structure, client expectations, etc!

    Unlike therapists and coaches who take an understandably more relaxed approach to healing and integration, my mentorships are characteristically intense. This is a highly-demanding, high-investment process which requires our consistent combined effort over a period of four months.

    If we were to start working together, I would reasonably expect you to be excited to show up for a minimum of 10+ hours of self-motivated therapeutic process per week (daily reading, fitness routine, creative exercises, spiritual practice, etc.) while also maintaining full-sobriety (no drink, no drugs).

    These strict standards of discipline and sobriety are plainly unsuitable for most people in most situations – even genuinely motivated individuals who resonate with this series may not be the right match for four months of structured Inner Work.

    If you want to get deeper, I've noticed that there's a certain type of ‘temperament' & 'timing’ to get the most out of me.

    I'm interested in alert, creative and purpose-driven individuals who aspire to exceptional standards of self-maturation and would enjoy the feeling of going through week-on-week of progressively stacked therapeutic experiences for a third of a year: my ideal client is somebody who is willing to bring forward their internal complexity with a sense of courage and transparency with the intention of nothing less than full-spectrum transformation & rapid acceleration on their personal path.

    I am yet to discover another supportive figure who offers something comparable to this mentorship: a four-month, structured yet flexible 1-1 container which is simultaneously therapeutic, academic and action-oriented; with primary focus placed on tangible improvements in your felt sense of self-knowledge and self-integration; in addition to real-world outcomes based on the personal goals you share with me.

    I prioritise contact, compassion and accountability, which means that your work never really 'ends' at the end of your session. You can reasonably expect to be fed dozens of customised reading suggestions and follow-on perspectives outside of the formal sessions via messenger contact – where I am active and available four days per week for check-ins and additional support.

    As way of conclusion for what feels like an extraordinarily long comment, I feel compelled to once more emphasise that working directly with me is unrealistic for most people in most situations.

    I often support people who are accustomed to professional support after working through previous traumas with other coaches and therapists before we begin our work together. Even individuals without 'hard trauma' can expect moments of pressurised darkness and heaviness during periods of shadow contact as you begin to restructure your personal unconscious.

    YouTube is a wonderful place for me to share free research resources and offer accessible inner work invitations; my private sessions, however, are the place for collaborative partnership and emotional security as we identify, navigate and restructure oftentimes confronting and challenging conscious and unconscious physical, emotional and mental material.

    Ultimately, this is a demanding but highly-rewarding process which requires the best of our shared intentions.


    The total fee for an Inner Work Mentorship (including 12 x 2 hr sessions) is £7,400 GBP or $9,400 USD.

    Each private session lasts two hours, and is facilitated via Telegram video call at an ideal time for both of us. Your mentorship extends over a linear four-month period, with a total of twenty-four hours of structured session time, in addition to four days per week of unlimited messenger availability. I do not work on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays, but I am fully-available across all timezones for regular calls and messenger contact on Thursday – Sunday.

    If you’ve scrolled this far and resonate with what I’m offering, I invite you to message me on Instagram. It would be my pleasure to connect with you and start exchanging voice notes in real-time.

    IMPORTANT: I work with no more than twenty people per year, and am not available for Instagram DM therapy or one-off calls. This is my only offer and my pricing is liable to adjustment over time. I respond personally to every message I receive which means it sometimes takes up to four weeks for me to get back to you with full presence. I appreciate your patience with my response.

  2. This is so insanely comprehensive I’m not sure most people will realise. Can’t actually believe there’s someone who’s done all the reading and research and just providing this for free. So much insight. Thank you so much. All the best to you.

  3. Ooh thank you so much for this – I’m adding every book you’ve mentioned to my own personal books wishlist and purchasing / reading each one as I go – thanks for being generous in sharing your knowledge

  4. Greatly appreciated Jordan. I have a question please, can a shadow take on a human form and talk to a person? . Reason for my question is there's a voice of a man that talks to me,it usually compares me to other people around me, could this be my own shadow speaking.

  5. Jordan! I'm so glad your channel is exploding! I'm hyperfocused for the next 5 months still on school pursuits but I want to promise myself right here right now (Ireally want to NOW but I can't) to come back here next summer and start at book 1 of IWE and work through that in a year, afterwards will go through other videos like this one! Much love! see you in 5 months.

  6. Thank you! You made my life so much easier with this! A plan is exactly what I was missing. Hmm 🧐 looks like I have to work more on my masculine energy haha.

    I made a calendar and ordered the first 2 books for January. I'm happy, thank you, I appreciate your generosity.

  7. Hi Jordan, You are by far the most vital and informative psychotherapeutic therapist and ambassador for the profession in these times. Several years ago I trained in psychotherapy under a man recommended as the 'creme de la creme' of teachers…after studying Holistic Health therapies and other studies. He later encouraged me to teach… training workshops but by this time after a car accident injury and caught up in two cases with legal corruption in the Courts in England with immeasurable losses..Instead guided to witness the abuse of power in this land and most grotesque human rights abuses taking place too. Like you I trained with wanting to provide a service that is vital in these times – yet was told to hold back before proceeding in my business intention, til after the ugly court situation. Redress and reparation has been blocked. Recently I was asked 'Who are you? because there are very powerful people involved in your case (re injured passenger in car accident with known ex police driver who boasted she would lie and deny my injury and force me into court and I will lose) Perhaps it is not about significant bloodlines…but credible professional training and innate understanding silenced. Psychotherapy traditionally pertained to healing the soul . You are evidently well schooled in your knowledge and understanding shared ever so openly reflects a standard one would expect with progressive learning with ethical training for de-mystifying the profession in these times especially now. Life will take us to whatever we are meant to know, learn and understand…and so I have to accept my eyes being opened by those who are abusing power too, We live in a time long foretold too. – Each and every experience and learning has reason and purpose. Embracing inner work as a way of being and with subscribing, looking forward to listening to more from you. Thank you for your vital service Jordan. Regards Pauline

  8. I'm a bit confused Jordan Thornton why you recommend complex ptsd and trauma and the soul at the same time. Even though I like almost all the contents of complex ptsd, pete walker (author of complex ptsd) recommends to silence the inner critic under no circumstances to listen to it, while in trauma and the soul I think you should go back to the pain, you should understand that this inner critic is there to protect us, so you have to work together with the inner critic, you can use active imagination against it or as you know from other books you can also use parts work and shadow work. Why do you recommend two books that contain opposites?

  9. Also, I agree with others who’ve given such nice reviews of your talks. Funny, I’ve been on the same/similar path as you. Never thought about doing a YouTube Chanel. Kudos to you. It seems like your sharing is really helpful to all who take the time to listen to you and follow through? Thank you.

  10. Thanks Jordan. As always, I thoroughly appreciate the amount of work you do to help us all live better, happier lives. I just received Alice Bailey's "Glamour" and "From Intellect to Intuition" today, on my return from an AA meeting. My Amazon "Wish List" used to be full of music and guitar lesson books, now it is pretty much all the books you've referenced in this and previous videos. I've bought a few so far, I finished "Spiritual Emergency" last night too after a wonderful meditation, music and poetry evening which I attended as a recently single person and left at the end when the mulled wine was being poured. My life is changing, it's been difficult since the breakup I had recently but the books and methods you recommend (and other resources such as AA with it's spiritual and cognitive therapy based program) have been invaluable to help me not just experience life but to actually make sense of it.

  11. There is an internet trend of talking heads holding up a stack of books to the camera and I came to this channel with healthy skepticism. But so far I've found knowledge and solace from Trauma and the Soul, the Primal Wound, and Rowan's Healing the Male Psyche (recommended in another video). Thank you for your hard work. I'm still waiting for more business book recommendations to help pay for my library.

  12. The book videos are my favourite videos. I'm waiting for the day when you start doing book reviews or maybe summaries of different author's contributions to their fields. I don't know if that would be a big hit on YouTube though

  13. The transpersonal books are the ones i'm going to buy today. I trust your judgement and ill let you know what i think after i read it. thanks for your suggestion…..got any recommendations for fasia? the stuff under the skin thing??? just wondering


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