24. Idaho 4 Objectivity | Viewer Questions | Front Door | Karlie Fuse | #crime #podcast #new

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22 thoughts on “24. Idaho 4 Objectivity | Viewer Questions | Front Door | Karlie Fuse | #crime #podcast #new”

  1. Hey hey! I wanted to get your wheels turning and give a plausible explanation to the gap and the question of how the attacks "could"make sense. This was the way I made sense of it way back when I had the exact same questions you are asking Malea. It really makes no sense the way it's explained when thinking of the timeline. He can't be in the house shortly after 4 AND being on camera making that 3 point turn. Right before he gets back on camera hitting the curb and unsuccessfully parking , what if he wasn't alone and dropped off somebody at the side of the house or he was dropped off and somebody else was w him and drove the car where it's seen doing all those moves. The original verbage from Fry was "occupants" of the Elantra. What if there was a driver or attacker w him? Think on that and it makes so much sense with the timeline and all these things happening at once. He can't possibly be killing and driving w the timeline we have been handed. I hope all this makes sense the way im trying to break it down lol. I'm on winddown after work chllin w a puff lol. JS 😁 so in short the suspect isn't alone and one was dropped off out of view and the other is driving up to Walanta to where they met and was seen speeding away

  2. So im commenting on the go as im listening and watching and hope im not over my comment limit 😂 for the people who say he should be screaming "Im innocent" should go back and watch how that worked out for Bundy. He screamed innocence from the time he was read the charges against him in that weird live situation in Florida before the trial. He did it so much that he took over and was defending himself as his own lawyer in the trial. It didnt work out so well and he got the chair. Others say he would being singing like a bird if he had an accomplice. Im not even going entertain that crap since its obvious why he cant go there. Had to comment because these people who keep saying these things don't get it and maybe this helps them w that.

  3. Tailings are the material that come off the sluice box that have already for the most part been stripped of their valuable material, that’s why you find mercury in tailings sometimes Mercury was used by gold miners to separate the fine gold particles from the dirt. Some of my friends, my cousin and I use to go gold prospecting on the weekends and I had a jar of mercury from old thermostats to help separate the gold.

    Most brass used in plumbing had lead in it up until recently, it’s much harder to solder now that there’s no lead in the brass.

    Having a reverse osmosis tied into your main water service right at the main riser before the water goes through the rest of the house is definitely a great but expensive thing to have.

    I highly recommend getting a whole house water conditioner like the Halo systems to help mitigate the hard water and then going with like a 3 stage filter to make the water even cleaner.

  4. I'm going to have more than one comment by the time I'm finished watching this But I just have to get this one out.
    The little girl and the train 🤬
    I'm sooooo sick and tired and fed tf up when it comes to how we handle crimes against children.
    Our children are the most precious gifts you will ever have the blessing of receiving ( and fur babies ) in your lifetime. They are innocent and as adults it's OUR job to protect them from Everything potentially harmful. It doesn't matter if it's your own child or a stranger. As adults the responsibility is solely on us to protect ALL children. So why is it crimes against them yields some of the weakest punishments. Why is the sentencing guideline even allowable for these weak punishments and why so many times do judges assign a sentence on the lightest end of the guidelines.

    This is why crimes against children are completely out of control. Parents beating their small children to the point of unalive and getting 5 10 or 15 yrs. How? Why? If they would have been charged with let's say bang bang death of an adult that's life without parole and a hell of a more humane and quick death than the child was given. So why is the precious child's life filled with abuse and ultimately an agonizing slow death is only valued at 5, 10, or 15 yrs in punishment.
    The unaliving or the r*pe of a child should be an automatic ☠️ penalty period. Sick evil ppl like that are not reformable and are a danger to our most important lives. Guarantee that would stop alot of that shit from happening.
    ( I don't mean the woman in this story should be punished that harsh, as it was an accident. Egregious but never the less an accident ) just saying. These things get me triggered more than anything and we all need to do something to demand the protection of the children. Thank you for letting me vent so I didn't have to explode into the clouds.😅

  5. oh yes, please spare some time to discuss about psychics or 6th sense skills like remote viewing in profiling and solving crime or missing people cases. I believe there are scientific explanations to it, considering human's brain capacity can expand to that direction. You guys rock!

  6. Here in Central Florida back in the 1900 cattle was a big money maker and when a bacteria began to kill off the herd they used chemical baths for the herd . All of that poison leached into the soil and down to the water supply over many years. There have been several cases of cancers that were tracked back to this tainted soil and water.

  7. Why would a top of his class criminology student spree murder four people all of a sudden? BK has clearly devoted ALOT of his time to his studies, to become someone who would FIGHT crime not commit it. The only possible explanation would be some psychotic episode but there's nothing psychotic about him.

    The victims, their families, the victims inner circles and the so called survivors plus their social circles are a hell of a lot more shady than BK is. The house was a known drug house, the girls look like they are on Onlyfans, they have criminal relatives, criminal friends, friends who toss dead coyotes in front of frats, roomies with connections to prison gangs, etc.

    There are rumours that KG at least was a bully who was very mean to that girl who killed herself, she had some affair with a cop. And her vitriolic mom wants Kohberger to die like the animal he is despite knowing jack shit about a case that hasn't seen a trial date yet. Her dad is the selftitled alpha (lol) who tries to find witnesses and has some form of connection to some grand jury members.

    The trace/transfer DNA on the magical knife sheath is all they have and even that's shady as hell. That's it. That area has white Elantras up the wazoo. One can clearly see Elantras or very similar vehicles in that very area long after the murders as caught on cam.

  8. My heart goes out to the little girl who was killed by the train.. that’s how my great grandma lost her life and it breaks my heart.. mom should’ve def got a longer sentence what if she did it on purpose?!

  9. I was abused as a little girl by a parent and social services failed me and left me in that home and they as well as that parent should’ve been punished at the time and I still feel that way as an adult who wanted the best for my parents cause even if they were shitty they’re still the only parents I’ll ever have u know


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