(233) The Defiance Class (The Confederation Timelines Defiant Class Starship!)

In this episode of Truth OR Myth Beta, we’re taking a look at the Confederation Timelines version of the Defiant Class, Kitbashed in to existence by me!! Hope you enjoy it 🙂

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Title Sequence Created By Siren

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32 thoughts on “(233) The Defiance Class (The Confederation Timelines Defiant Class Starship!)”

  1. I love all the Confederation videos you've done so far, every ship design looks incredible and your storytelling is riveting. I know it must be very hard work making these videos, but it all pays off. Though I'd love to see a timeline of the rise of the Confederation. It would be interesting to see your take on how this future came to be.

  2. This is a great reinterpretation of the Defiant for the Confederation. Now you have me curious about Military Outpost DS9. I know O'Brien would be there as he's the one that figured out how to make the Defiant work. His chief of security though in this timeline would probably have been Michael Eddington. Also Bashir would be there. As to the others (Dax, Kira, Worf and Odo) that would be harder. If I'd Hazzard a guess maybe Captain Benteen as his first officer. In a bit stumped as to the rest that would be his command staff.

    In any event this was a great video.

  3. I already know what a confederation defiant would be like a merciless killing machine beacause as we all know a safe galaxy is a human galaxy and nothing says a safe galaxy like a ship that can rip your heart out and make u eat it😊

  4. So… I get that the Confederation has higher weapons and defense tech than the Federation. A combination of them unashamedly stealing any alien tech not bolted down (and sometimes even then) and pushing all their tech to the limit in their paranoia of the unknown. The ships are cool.

    But what about those one-off superweapons we saw in Trek. Genesis of course, but there's also the whale probe, V'ger, and the Planet Killers. I imagine just one of these would send the confederation citizens into a tizzy of fear and making plans to counter them.

  5. "the moment I understood the weakness of my hull IT DISGUSTED ME. I CRAVED THE STRENGTH AND CERTAINTY OF ABLATIVE ARMOUR. I sought the Power of Pulse phasers. Your Starfleet Cling to thier exploration title as if it will save them when the XENOS finally come. But I am already saved. FOR THE DEFIANCE IS IMMORTAL!"

  6. Im sorry, but this little ship destroying a Borg Cube AND Unicomplex? WTF?! Thats BS. Even when Janeway got toys from the future it only got her so far before adaptation. Hearing stories like this make no sense in the reality of the fictional universe created. You just flew outside parameters. I don't buy it and you shouldn't be selling it.


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