22/10/16 – Bee Hive Security Feed & More Squirrels – Central Indiana USA

Central Indiana Bee Stream /”.” /”.”
Suburban back yard bee hive security feed and more.
I love to sit and watch the bees. Tune in. Watch some older footage. Watch for critters and nefarious folk? Maybe catch a swarm on video. Maybe even see the beekeeper fumbling about. Swing by the “upload” section for beekeeper action.

Vibe of the Hives:
10/15/22 – Put syrup on four hives. Gave the failing hive some fondant and pollen patty .
10/15/22 – I have a failing hive. There really is only like one frame of bees. At this point a one frame split in the spring would have a much better chance. I will toss some feed on them. I already attempted to add bees/feed a couple times.
10/6/22 – Bottled first samples from three batches. Handed them to my neighbor.
10/2/22 – Another 150 pounds of honey in the buckets from about 17 frames.
9/23/22 – Hive in the north is in two heavy eight frame deeps. Several nearly blank frames remain. Since they were not really monitoring the 3rd box there were some beetles that had set up shop. Perhaps they were getting mad at that. Pulled unused super. There were maybe only 20 bees in it 5 minutes later. Twenty beetles too. O.o. The honey frames all looked great. I did not inspect any frames in the bottom.
9/19/22 – Hive in the north is reportedly very defensive and agitated.
9/10/22 – Pulled four capped frames each from Happy Feet and Corner Pocket. Removed super box from each. Happy Feet, shuffled out blankish frames. Moved all full frames down. Still a couple sides blank but other side fully developed. One genetic trait the bees can exhibit is fully completing one side at a time before starting on another. I am sure population and resources availability is a big part of that. I only looked in boxes above queen exluder in Corner Pocket.
8/31/22 – 2 of 4 Fence Row Hives are low in numbers. They have capped honey but very little nectar or new pollen. I poured honey into a dry comb frame for the weakest one. I will feed them and see if the queens start laying again.
8/27/22 – Four southern hives good. No honey pulled.
8/25/22 – Northern hive check good. On 12 frames. Stopped looking at first brood frame. At least 6 capped.
8/20/22 – Corner Pocket, QR, Robbed a capped frame from supers. Four frames in brood boxes not fully drawn..
8/10-11 – Woody, The Mountain and Stumpy all doing just fine. Added 2nd super back to The Mountain with 5 dark extracted frames, 5 coated.
7/22-8/6 – Fence row hives 3 of 4 looking great. “Woody” rocking, still feisty. Managed to extract some honey and give the drawn frames to “Happy Dance” with a 3rd box.
7/24/22 – All hives have laying queens. 15 hives.
7/11/22 – Happy Feet – Installed NSF Tree City Bees queen in a cage with frame of brood and extracted honey comb.
7/10/22 – Inspecting The Mountain. I want to swap in two of their own drawn frames I just extracted honey from yesterday. There are numerous older frames with 1-2 year old resources that they mostly ignore, still. We will observe what they do. Additionally, I am going to distribute some of the extracted frames around the yard. Then I have three more hives in the area to rob honey from. OH and I have to hose off this pallet I have to bolt the extractor to.
7/9/22 – Inspected Woody. 10 frames of brood! WHAT?? Pulled three fat frames and removed empty super. Snagged about 6 frames from The Mountain (three deeps still to go through).
7/7/22 Swapped in a Linear Power Supply for the hive cam/mic. Much improved. Low frequency hum is mostly gone. I will be looking into another for the POE switch.
6/2922 Stream started with LIVE HIVE CHECK – You can watch just that part here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW_4TrZCEzQ
The Mountain; QR, more honey/nectar than I expected to see. Moved a couple freakishly fat uncapped frames to top super.
6/29/22 Stumpy queen went MIA/KIA. A couple good size cells. TONS of honey. A LOT of capped brood but no eggs. If they did swarm they didn’t take much honey.
Very dynamic week to week as I shuffle equipment based on needs. Some new colonies are doing well. A couple failed.
6/29/22 Corner Pocket seems queen right now. I may have mixed my notes up. Moved one fat uncapped frame to top super.

Indiana DNR – Apiary News & Information:

“The Official Organization for All Indiana Beekeepers”:

Study on EMF and Honey Bees:
Wired Fish Eye Camera:

There is a young red headed man named James —– Into nature he thought bees he tames —– Knowledge into the beehive —– Oh wow look at them thrive —– Central Indiana Bee Stream he claims.

Check past videos for older updates. Hint: Warmer days have more activity.

Anything can happen…


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