2024 Eclipse: What to expect, from the awe-inspiring to the "very strange"

On Monday, April 8, a rare total eclipse of the sun will be viewable across a swath of 13 states. Correspondent David Pogue talks with amateur astronomer Ed Ting about what to expect during the minutes of totality; and with Cari White, chairman of the Eclipse Oversight Committee for Jonesboro, Arkansas, where the town is expecting to temporarily double in size due to eclipse tourism traffic.
#GreatAmericanEclipse #solareclipse #astronomy @edting

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49 thoughts on “2024 Eclipse: What to expect, from the awe-inspiring to the "very strange"”

  1. Actually im from seychelles so this Eclipse its not fun at all i have a paster and hi told us what was about to happend so technically the Eclipse is a potal that open if you did something wrong this potal will send some thing down to make you have bad energy so plz im so sorry but this is not fun at all plz people be careful 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏pray when this is going to happen

  2. It’s not ‘Great’ or ‘American’. It’s an eclipse that the USA happens to be underneath. You can’t control it or harness its effects. Honestly, show some dignity ffs…

  3. Too bad about the weather along the path. I could have gone to Missouri, where the event should be great, but I couldn’t get all the way back there. My advice is to use binoculars if you know how to without burning a hole in your retina—you need a stopwatch!

  4. I live in Waxahachie, TX and was scheduled to deliver for Amazon today. It was overcast cloudy and I clocked in and was told that I'd be on standby, so I was cautiously hopeful. I waited and then got let out before noon. I gunned it home to my parents with a few breaks in the clouds and set up a bluetooth speaker playing Pink Floyd, had a neighborhood friend bike over to my backyard, and after "Eclipse" finished playing at 1:34 P.M. it was just 3 more minutes until the beginning of totality.

    It was the most awesome thing I will ever see in my life. 4 minutes of true awe that I probably will never experience again, right over my backyard. I completely understand now why people fly around the world to experience it, it is TRULY AMAZING, and that is an understatement. 😅

    The best part is the last 10 seconds looking through the glasses and seeing the light around you dim quickly until it looks like the sky before dawn or after dusk, and to see a black circle block a bright star that you can do absolutely nothing about is something I will never take for granted.

    After the Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 rolled through Waxahachie in 2021 and now 4 minute totality, I can say without a doubt that I have seen everything (except the northern lights, Starship launch, and the Milkyway Galaxy in person at a certified dark sky location) and can die now, and I wouldn't be upset.

    It's like the mountains, unless you've seen it in person, you won't understand until you do, because pictures just DO NOT do it justice at all.

  5. Twenty-three years ago. New Yorkers got up (it was a beautiful sunny day). They went about their business. (Some went to work, school or just enjoyed a beautiful day with friends). Then the unimaginable happened. The World Trade Center was hit by a terroist attack. Thousands of people lost their lives. Days and weeks later, New Yorkers were told that the air quality was safe. Since that attack, thousands of people have; lost their lives . Due to cancer causing illnesses related to that attack.
    Yesterday, we experienced a Solar Eclipse. Free paper eyeglasses were given out at your local library, or on the website. We were told that it was safe to watch the Solar Eclipse; as long as we wear these paper eyeglasses. When will we ever learn. To not trust the vast majority of the media. As a result we may have exposed ourselves to permanent eye damage. Or even future blindness. Was this Solar Eclipse worth possibly having future eye damage or blindness.

  6. Yes an amazing spectacle of Gods miracles !!! But don’t forget Moses crossing the Red Sea, Joshua crossing the Jordan on dry land,,,Lazarus being brought back from the dead, coming out of his tomb!!! Jesus is Alive, He rose again after 3 days, how can man deny that God is still on His throne?????!!!!! Db

  7. Nobody is commenting that this is a spectacle from God himself, to show us His majesty, His awesomeness , He is still on His throne….wake up America and the world . We will see him soon, just step out of the clouds and say , Come Up Here, to Those who believe in Him,,,, come quickly Jesus!!!!! Db

  8. People come from all over, to be in the path, to see this miracle of God!!!!! When Jesus steps out of the clouds people will run and hide , and ask the mountains to fall on them, to escape His wrath!!!!! Wake up, so you can go up!!!!! Db

  9. OKAY, I gots question for you ppl.
    WHY, was the eclipse NOT taken from the craft nasa claims exists and also claims is in something called "outer space" ??
    Because there is No ISS and there is No ISS IN "outer space' either.
    Just KNOW this one fact here.
    Iv'e worked in High Tech 28 years, and at the outfit that MFG "photoresist chemistry".
    We use to create IC devices.
    So tell us all here, HOW do they nasa' get photoresist to function in -250 FREEZING EXTREME COLD temperatures, a chemistry that is VERY susceptible sensitive to Temperature extremes.
    Absolutely can NOT whatsoever operate sin those terms creating electricity in some ISS craft in imaginary outta space realm.

  10. We watched the eclipse from Tupper Lake, NY! It was stunning! Thank you to all the wonderful guests to our town of Tupper Lake over the past few days. I am so glad the clouds moved and we were all able to view the Eclipse Totality. It was a stunning site to behold. I & many others were able to get fabulous pictures & videos of the event. If you are interested in our town, check out my waterfront property at 131 Lake Simond Road, Tupper Lake, NY. Escape the city. Come up to live in peace, view the sun, the stars & the moon! Experience & enjoy nature's splendor. I hope you all have safe journeys home. Wishing You Blessings & Wonderful Adirondack Memories!

  11. PERFECTLY FOOLED: The whole world watched in awe while they showed you that they have the ability to wipe earth of 💯% of all life if they chose to, THEY BLOCKED OUT THE SUN and called it a solar eclipse and did it in front of you, the sun is the giver of all life and they successfully did a test run in front of the world, it look like they slid a dinner plate in front of the sun, nothing can live without the sun and in the words of SETI "YOU CAN LIVE WITHOUT THE BIBLE BUT YOU CANT LIVE WITHOUT THE SUN." WAKE UP they are smarter than you think.

  12. Everyone needs to stop saying looking at the sun will hurt your eyes. Play Sundays all the time I have 20/20 vision and every time I do it it gives me energy it helps me think better and honestly I'm more enlightened I can literally feel the energy that other people let off. I'm going to challenge you to go outside one day and sit on the grass. Slowly start looking up into the sky until you eventually get right under the sun stay there for about a minute or two and then look directly at the Sun and keep looking until you see the black ring inside the sun once that happens and you're finished yes you will have some spots in your eyes but the only last for about 20 minutes after that you'll notice that you can think better you can see better you you have more energy you're happier all of these things just buy literally looking into the Sun for about 10 minutes.


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