20230308 FC Hearing: U.S. Military Posture and National Security Challenges in North & South America

Learn more: https://armedservices.house.gov/hearings/full-committee-hearing-us-military-posture-and-national-security-challenges-north-and-south


3 thoughts on “20230308 FC Hearing: U.S. Military Posture and National Security Challenges in North & South America”

  1. I understand fully why it's bad for them, but it's so funny to see them vocally shaming China for following the exact playbook of American foreign policy over the last ~200 years. Then during the second quarter they do all but address the reasons why we're so intertwined with China. "I wonder why all this shit we buy us made there? Someone look into that! 🧐"

  2. One idea is to combine the DHS and DOJ into a new agency i.e. Department of National Security this will allow for those operational resources and assets to be streamlined and used with more efficiency and proficiency.


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