2023 Solo RPG Book Haul – Part 2

I recently sent a bunch of files off to the printers and here’s what I got back!

I use Doxzoo, a UK-based printer – a great service I can recommend. If you want to print some fun game stuff, please consider using this link (I’ll get a little bit of money and will be able to print more fun stuff to show you!):

Tower of the Ice Lich


Harper’s Quest 2

Star Drifter

Eco Mofos

We Deal In Lead

Wretched Wasteland

Glide Space Expansion

One Card Dungeon


17 thoughts on “2023 Solo RPG Book Haul – Part 2”

  1. This is some great stuff. Eco Mofos and Harper's Quest 2 are extremely underrated and I can confirm they are quality. I've read We Deal in Lead and it looks fantastic but haven't tried a session yet. I'm so excited to see you dip your toes into more free-form solo RPGing! 😀

  2. I spent quite a while with Galdor's Grip and found it interesting, but the designer was (very responsibly) still iterating on the design/cards; at a certain point I lost track of which version I would need to re-make to have the "correct" version of the game. Out of curiosity — is your PNP strategy for cards to just slip them into a sleeve with a generic card to stiffen things up? Or are you sticking the front and backs together somehow?

  3. Definitely looking forward to hearing more about Star Drifter in the long term and seeing the Glide expansions medium-term, but since you report that you haven't done a lot of "true" solo RPGing, I'd vote for you to start small-ish with Harper's Quest so that you don't bounce off the whole pile (like I would). HQ feels like it's closer in theme/world to some of the adventure books you've covered, you'll get a chance to draw some dope dungeons, and the "starter" quest seems manageable.

  4. In a PnP PDF, it is common practice to only provide a single sheet of card backs. I don't do it in PDFs that I prepare but I see it often. However, you do not need to dissasemble and reassemble. In the print dialouge, you can simply specify page numbers. Lets say for instance it's a PDF with 7 pages of card fronts and the 8th page is card backs. In the field for page numbers to be printed you can input: 1,8,2,8,3,8,4,8,5,8,6,8,7,8. Easy peasy 🙂

    I hope you enjoy Star Drifter. I loved it! Although I would most definitely reprint that on A4. It will be much easier to read. I also got some Poly Tab dividers to help me get to sections of the book easier.

    And very cool on the expansions for Glide. It is on my "To Buy" list and now that I see it has expansions as well it's likely to get picked up next month 🙂

  5. Thanks Lone one! I think it's Litch the 't' is invisible lol. Thanks for the video uploads I do enjoy them and appreciate your pace and cander with these.

    Seen some of the these or similar played by Madlad designs on YouTube too, great to see these printed out, worts n all. I hope the video covers the print error cost as you've probably save others that cost out there.

    The last one was too small but good travel size -If you narrate I will take your word for it lol.

    Cheers 🍷

  6. Harpers Quest 2 sounds fun, may have to pick that up. Shame about the issues you had with Star drifter, but hope to see a playthrough for that in the future 🙂


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