2023 Got You Down? Don't Fret…Angels To The Rescue!

Been a while since we have peaked in on what Joel Osteen has been up to. It seems that his strategy has shifted just a bit. He can no longer ignore the pain and trouble people are going through these days, so he has called on “the angels” to come to the rescue and deliver the same favor and the fulfillment of your destiny that Joel has always preached. I say, hogwash.


27 thoughts on “2023 Got You Down? Don't Fret…Angels To The Rescue!”

  1. Ya know Joel Ostink really makes me sick! Same ole same ole
    🙄 Geeeze already 😮 God doesn't have to send angels He can pretty much do it himself! Or no?
    Osteen is estimated to have a net worth of overđŸ’°đŸ’” $50 million so he doesn't have to get things right đŸ€š

  2. "Show up and show out" feels like Osteen is referencing Bruno Mars' "Uptown Funk".

    Also, I can't think of a more jerk move for Joel to brag about how well he processed his father's death. "I'm just so awesome, I came through in power!" Never mind people who were crushed and didn't make it through so well. Joel has set himself on a pedestal as a great Christian, and you aren't on the right level if you don't get that.

  3. It's sick and sad…ugh! It's so hard to look at that foolish phony plastered on "smile" He has no other facial expression. Stop Joel! Stop the lies deception and please the plastic surgery!

  4. Lazarus the beggar was covered in sores and had to beg for his living and Jesus says he died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s bosom. I guess he should have listen to Joel Olsteen and he would not have suffered her on earth like he did.

  5. When I look at this wolf đŸș I see an actual slippery deceptive nauseating wolf đŸș
    There aren’t even any sheep 🐑 clothing on display. It’s all out wolf. God have mercy on us for being drawn away by false teachers and apostates! 😞 you better start praying to Almighty God, “Father in Jesus name, please don’t let me be deceived”!

  6. Colossians 2:18-19 — Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.


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