2022 Miami Dolphins Training Camp Recap – Week 1, Stephen Ross, NFL Findings and More!

Miami Dolphins Fans – the guys are BACK and breaking down all the Dolphins news from Training Camp, Steve Ross & More! Tune in!

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30 thoughts on “2022 Miami Dolphins Training Camp Recap – Week 1, Stephen Ross, NFL Findings and More!”

  1. You guys were a riot today. Only thing I disagree with is Kindley. I think he’s got to be trade bait because aside from maybe short yardage, I don’t see him fitting the scheme.

  2. Missed the live. When it comes to Tua, I absolutely refuse to buy into anything until he A) shows he can make these throws during games when defenses are coming after him & can hit him B) Proves he can put the team on his back & make the plays needed when the play breaks down. Until then he's still gonna be 💩. He has 4 wks to make me eat my crow or else I'll be calling for his head! Lol

  3. That beal character tampering for ross should be banned from ever owning a team too, he is the successor to ross and is supposed to take charge of the team when ross is gone. After all this crap, BOTH need to be out of the NFL forever

  4. I don't understand why not at least sign the USFL center. There are some who don't respect the need for center. That's because they don't understand the importance for the position. As for fullback. Cat was hilarious making the comment about him being a fullback. Just reminder that JB Brown who was a starter. He was drafted in the 12 round. Mark Clayton was drafted in the 8 round. As for players who don't do well in practice. But the lights turn on at game day. I will point out Duriel Harris Wr from New Mexico State. The first releases will be the easiest. The last ones will be the toughest. Preston Williams; I be surprised if he isn't cut after the first preseason games. As for Miami Dolphins Owner Ross. He is a bonehead.

  5. I think the nfl is trying to balance the natural order of the league they know and hear what’s happening in south Florida there’s to much talent now can’t have those two 1st dolphins would get too dangerous

  6. I feel like the ross-beal suspensions and loss of draft picks could be good in the long run, hopefully these 2 realize their meddling and goofy bs hurts the team and they stay away from here on out


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