20 Truths I Wish I Knew About Toxic People In My 20's

Looking for wisdom for a difficult relationship or perhaps you just want to be sure that you don’t repeat the same mistakes again
In this video I want to save you the years of pain and confusion that I faced by sharing 20 truths I wish I knew about toxic people earlier.
These truths could be just the perspective that you need to get the closure you’re looking for.

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Build a Beautiful Life Out of Broken Pieces – http://amzn.to/2kKhiUd

The Sacred Seven – Unlocking the 7 Desires God Has Planted in the Heart of Every Woman. check it out here. https://amzn.to/34NXCpk

FREE Toxic People Survival Guide

FREE 5 Day Mountain Moving Faith Devotional

FREE 5 Day Created with Purpose Devotional

FREE Uncover Your God Given Purpose Guide:

How Toxic Are My Thoughts? Quiz

What’s My Temperament Guide


Biblical Boundaries with Toxic Family Online Course

Conquering Codependency Biblically Online Course

Delivered from Demonic Influence Online Course

DESTINED – Discover Your God Given Purpose Online Course

How to Deal with Toxic People Online Course

How to Heal from a Toxic Mother- Restoring Your Life Through Faith Online Course

Renew Your Mind Online Course

Toxic Mother Survival Course – The Christians Guide to Dealing with a Toxic Mother Biblically

Uncover Your God Given Purpose (mini course)

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24 thoughts on “20 Truths I Wish I Knew About Toxic People In My 20's”

  1. I knew 17 out of 20 in my 20s..

    What I learn in my early 30s, People that tell you I'm here for you, whenever you need me. (Advocate, Hardtimes, etc) Then they betray you or nowhere to be found.

    Since then, now I am in my 40s. I hardly ask for help.

    1 Thessalonians 4:11–12 — (NIV)
    11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

  2. A couple weeks ago I started praying to God for help and guidance and he made me realize that I'm a narcissist. Now I'm trying to change, I'm trying to not repeat my behavior (not gossiping/gaslighting/using others/manipulating others and beeeing nice and kind) while seeking for a psychiatrist appointment. But the more I see and learn about this topic, the more I get the feeling that I never will be able to change. Like I'm just in Phase 3 or 4 of your Video "When God Exposes the Narcissist, Expect This Predictable Pattern". Since I realized I'm a narcissist everything in my life got so Clear and makes absolute sense now. I pray every day to God to thank him for opening my eyes to that and to help me change and for forgiveness. What Can I Do so that I don't fall back into this behavior? What should I be aware of so I can improve. Is there any hope for me to change? Because every information I get from the internet suggest that it's near imposibility for a narcissist to change.

  3. Thank you so much Kris…I wish I had known these things over 12 years ago. I also watched the video you suggested at the end regarding the demonic doors and…. wow…!!…all the more reason to "shake the dust" and move on. Thank you for your faithfulness in allowing God to use you in this way! God bless.

  4. My family have divorced themselves from truth. Once again , Kris, all your points are on cue with my family🤦Listening to the holy spirit within me has helped me avoid more toxic people. My breaking point with a family member that God pulled out of him using me he finally said to me "Its okay to believe in God, but don't let it run your life". This person is also an over compulsive liar about every too.

  5. #13 observe (so you know what they are doing), stay silent & don’t absorb. #11 Silence is the best revealer of truth. Stay silent or toxic people will use that against you. #8 if You Aren’t their priority Don’t make them Your priority.


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