20 Most Secret Military Aircraft In The World

Military stuff is always so secretive, isn’t it? There are rumours and leaked memos and accidentally-on-purpose code words uttered all over the show. The process of making sure that everyone knows that there is a secret is as important as guarding the technology that these secrets are all about. Today we are going to risk life and limb as we attempt to peer over the fences and into the filing cabinets of some of these most closely guarded of weapons – Here for your enjoyment are 20 of the Most Secret Military Aircraft In The World. And for goodness sake don’t tell anyone we told you…

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11 thoughts on “20 Most Secret Military Aircraft In The World”

  1. Ya know , if you actually do some research you would find the MIL has hadantigravity craft from the 50's . But today's toys are super high tech like the Manta a very large space craft with planetary visits .


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