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32 thoughts on “20 MEN VS BRECKIE HILL”

  1. Back after what xim said. What happened to jynxzi 💀 bro actually got famous for playing siege but proceeds to bring in an of girl for views? Yes your chat is filled with boys in their puberty but they were never there to see this type of content but just you playing the game.

  2. She just happened to catch the 4th guy in a lie when all the guys before him were lying. Especially the "doctor"…he was hella lying she is way too gullible. His dad seems drunk…..lol

  3. Buda is my Fav…..hands down!!!! Good looking and a pleaser!!!! Hell yeah!!!! Other than that Aiden would be next. If she can't just narrow it down with a few guys left I don't know what's wrong with her…I mean wtf!!!!!

  4. Girl really said a low pay is 100k a year💀 that's almost what one of the hardest jobs as an Architect gets paid a year and that's one of the hardest things to study next to specializing yourself in something that has to do with medicine like neurosurgeon and stuff like that. If we are talking about teachers, depending on the place it would be like 30k to 60k a year😭😭

  5. Ok sure i get that some were a bit awkward but why is she so against all of them. I really wonder how nobody mentioned what kind of a bad setup this is. You have her on some chait covering her face with her knees a mug or whatever else next to jynxi who does nothing but laugh all the time like… first she says she‘s a talkative person anyway but then gets mad at people guys who wont carry the conversation… like some girls would hate that yk? She has 0 interest and basically decides in the first 0.1 seconds if she likes the guy or not you can see it. She criticizes guys for streaming only but then she herself achieved nothing and let college for social media bc she realized that holding her ass in the cam makes more money than littly breckie ever saw so why educate yourself? Crazy how she can judge anyone.
    Them this shit question which was something to the affect of „do you like ass, tits, personality or face“ which is complete bs because no matter what its a wrong answer because cmon guys she KNOWS how we are how could we ever like personality right??


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