20 Items That Will Be Priceless After The Collapse

Wondering what’s going to be gold in a world turned upside down? You’re in the right spot! This isn’t about scaring you; it’s about …


9 thoughts on “20 Items That Will Be Priceless After The Collapse”

  1. I am stocking up on propane. As long as the seals are intact on the canister the propane will be good. Gas goes bad after a year even if you stabilize it. Diesel takes longer but it too breaks down. Using a generator will be for tasks in the first year if it is a gas generator. if you get the duel fuel generator then your propane will still be good as long as it lasts.

  2. Sugar, coffee, tea, alcohol, butter and cheese will be things of the past. Goat cheese and goat milk will become the new standard in this now reduced world. Herbal tea may be sweeten with honey if you manage to capture a queen and make a home for them. I plan on growing sugar beets and tapping trees for syrup, condensing the tree sap in solar heaters/dryers. I buy cocoa powder for long term storage of chocolate. I make baked goods and candy. I am going to hit the dollar store and buy a bunch of their hard candy and stick it away in a bucket. Hard candy can be a reward for hard work in kids.

  3. I have been growing a garden on my land for 28 years. I have made many experiments that were not successful . I have made mistakes that did not harm me because I had other food sources to rely on. Can you grow everything you need? Depends on the amount of land you have available. In my case I have a small amount of land that is growing garlic, tarragon, onions, blackberries, strawberries and purple cone flower every year without me doing anything. I plant potatoes, yams, popcorn, squash, pumpkins and other annuals. Need seeds?


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