2 Nephi 11-19 | Avraham Gileadi | Come Follow Me

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9 thoughts on “2 Nephi 11-19 | Avraham Gileadi | Come Follow Me”

  1. I love the manner of the Jews in patterned thinking and correspondence of meaning between physical and spiritual levels. Emanuel Swedenborg illuminated these secrets of heaven in the 1700s. Thank you, Avraham Gileadi, for restating for a new audience. It’s a beautiful thing.

  2. The servant named David that Joseph Smith spoke of cannot be the end time servant can he?

    Joseph said: "Although David was a king he never did obtain the spirit and power of Elijah and the fullness of the Priesthood; and the priesthood that he received, and the throne and kingdom of David is to be taken from him and given to another by the name of David in the last days raised up out of his lineage,"

    The end time servant if he is translated would automatically have the fullness of the priesthood on earth.

    However, Joseph says that king David did not have the fullness, but the priesthood that he did have would be given to this other man named David in the last days.

    Most people do not know this but king David was actually king of two kingdoms, first he was made king of Judah and years later was made king of Israel.

    Isn't it possible that since each tribe will have their own government and territory again that this descendant of David, that will be given David's priesthood and Kingdom will be the ruler of the tribe of Judah rather than all the tribes?

    The end time servant then would be the ruler or leader of all the tribes collectively at the federal level.

    This could easily explain how both men could be prophesied to sit on the throne of David, because David technically sat on two thrones during his life, the throne of Judah, and the throne of Israel.

    The only other option that might make these sources fit together is that the end time servant will be named David, will have the Melchizedek priesthood, and be ruler over Judah all before he gets the fullness of the priesthood and rules over all of Israel.

    This second scenario doesn't seem to make sense though, because how could a righteous priesthood holder be made ruler over Judah and then be marred?

    Who would have power to mar him or even just his reputation with all the security and influence he would have?

    I mean, the outright evil deep state in the US seemingly cannot even stop Trump who is obviously not on the same level as the end time servant will be in terms of power and influence.

    I could see the end time servant being the one who oversees all the tribes but that maybe he has a son named David who is made responsible for just Judah specifically.

    Kind of like when way back in the day the princes of England were given authority to administer Wales on behalf of the king who oversaw the whole kingdom.

  3. March 3rd, 2024, 9:04pm.
    I'm not sure if its a problem with my device, but I cant hear the cideo at all. Other videos play fine, I just can't hear this one.
    Not sure if anyone else is having the same issues.


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