2 Chaps Live Sale 1 Year Anniversary

One Year Anniversary


9 thoughts on “2 Chaps Live Sale 1 Year Anniversary”

  1. Funny story about "Nipper"… My step-dad nicknamed my little Fox Terrier "Nipper", having no idea that the original RCA dog was called Nipper, and that she was the same breed as the original "Nipper" from RCA.

  2. I'll bet that the reason for the difference in the spouts on that green glass creamer is that they found that the wider one poured the cream out too broadly, so they went back and changed it to a more controlled pour spout that was narrower.

  3. Just finished watching you on playback. Want to add my congrats for your 1-year anniversary. Have been watching from the start. You guys do a great show – it's a really good format, in which you complement each other perfectly.


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