18 Footers JJ Giltinan Championship Race 5 & 6

Visit www.18footers.com for the very best in 18 foot skiff racing from Sydney Harbour and beyond
Going live at 2:20pm


7 thoughts on “18 Footers JJ Giltinan Championship Race 5 & 6”

  1. Just want to share my appreciation to everyone for the great coverage and some spicy commentary and also to all the crews partaking in this years championship that is very tight near the top thus far🙂
    Is there any chance you can do a quick run through of all the gear and pulleys that go into the on water sail trim settings for a modern day 18footer?

  2. This JJ series is building up to be a cracker. Three boats neck and neck with three races to go, several other boats still in contention. No reason to stop getting up in the middle of the night to watch the action! The range of courses and conditions make the JJs a great test – I'm not a big fan of windward-leeward courses but there has been some really close racing so they make great viewing especially with the SailMedia quality coverage (and commentary!).

  3. What fantastic coverage of the outstanding close racing. The standard amongst the top 10 boats is astonishing. Woody's win of race 5 gives great heart to old farts of a smilar age like myself. As always the camera work and commentary is superb. Very jealous of your lovely weather as I look out the window on to a very wintery Dublin Bay. PS Brilliant to see the consideration of the Ferry in parking to let the boats continue their battle up the beat in race 6. He deserves a few drinks!!


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